16 weeks 6 days or what I call…17 weeks.
I know…I swear, sorta, that I am going to stop taking my own pictures.
Ok maybe I don’t swear.
Would you believe me if I told you these pics were taken the same day?
Whis is that I look soooo much bigger in the second 2 photos? I guess because I took them at night after I had eaten.
I really feel like my belly is starting to pop! Thank goodness…at least now it doesn’t look like I just ate 14 big macs…I actually look like I could have a baby in there. It makes being in public way more tolerable. 🙂
I’ll probably enjoy this phase…until about 32 weeks…when I am huge and uncomfortable and don’t look like I have a cute lil belly anymore but instead look like I have a GINORMOUS basketball growing under my shirt.
And because I couldn’t end this post without a pic of the P Man….giving his mean face nonetheless.
You are too cute!
WOW what a difference in those pictures! I think u just look bigger in different shirts too! I’m glad u r finally starting to show that baby in there! It really is true he’s in there! Can’t wait to see the next boy cause how could u have one any cuter than the P Man! Two cute boys I suppose! Don’t guess we can go wrong with such a handsome Father and a gorgeous Mother though!!!!!! Keep the pics coming!
Luv ya, Mom Wilson
Well, darling belly nonetheless. I hope you are all doing wonderfully.
.-= Katy´s last blog ..Searching for Inspiration and Coming to Conclusions =-.
Congrats on finding out the baby is a boy! I love love having my two boys (and my girl as well).
I can’t get enough of that face! You look fantastic!
.-= Jenny from Lucky in Love´s last blog ..A New Plan! =-.