We have been so thrilled with how many people have been excited about our new direction over at Dollars and Roses.
In case you missed me talking about it about 900 gazillion times (sorry – not sorry) just check it out HERE. My hubby and I are going to be sharing how YOU can make your marriage MORE.
Enter the Giveaway
Make sure you sign up for our Romantic Weekend Getaway giveaway…ya know…in case you want to get away from the crazies for a few days and love on your spouse.
That sounds divine, doesn’t it? Ok, well it sounds divine to me because I have currently been with my children for the last SIX days straight with absolutely no break. Not even to pee.
I mean, I love my children, but a weekend away with JUST my husband sounds like heaven.
The Love Habits
About a year ago, Jeff and I started doing three little things every single day to try and stay connected. It’s a really simple concept. We tried to kiss, hug and do a catch-me-up chat every day.
We later named these three things “The Love Habits“.
It might sound so jr.high-ish of us to do, but we honestly weren’t doing any of these things on a regular basis.
We started to let the busyness of life take over. Kids, work, responsibilities….laundry <— puke.
Someone send me a laundry fairy.
Our marriage became a last priority.
Adding The Love Habits to our daily routine had such a positive impact on our marriage and communication that we knew it was something we wanted to share with all of you.
Join Us
For fun, we are going to “officially” be starting the challenge with everyone who wants to join in… TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11th!
If you have already started doing The Love Habits? You rock! Keep up the good work.
For those of you who haven’t started yet though, we’d LOVE for you to start the 22 day challenge with us tomorrow.
Even though we implemented The Love Habits into our daily routine last year, we still have times when we forget or simply don’t make the effort. This 22 days will help us get back on track too!
The best part about starting this challenge is that it’s EASY. You should know by now I tend to like things that don’t require me to jump through a million hoops. Haha!
The Details
Going with the theme of simple, there are not a ton of details. LOL! But because I like lists….here you go.
- If you need to read more about what The Love Habits are then just go here. But like I mentioned, it’s literally doing 3 small things every day for 22 days in a row:
1. The Connected Kiss – Kissing your spouse like you mean it.
2. The 7 Second Hug – Hugging your spouse for 7 long seconds.
3. The Catch Me Up Chat – Spending 5-10 minutes each day talking to your spouse about your day.
- Make sure you download The Love Habits worksheet so that you can keep track of your progress. And it’s free. #nobrainer
- Make sure you are following us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. SHARE your daily progress on social media by tagging @dollarsandroses and using the hashtag #lovehabits. This will be an easy way for us to all follow along and connect. Plus, we can’t wait to hear about how it goes for you.
One of my best friends text me that they started the challenge already. I was dying over what she said about it…
“We started The Love Habits last week. Every morning we make sure we have a ‘connected kiss’ and it is hilarious…because he throws in the butt grab, boob squeeze and the pelvic thrust.” <— only a man, only a man.
To give you a little incentive, we will be sending one lucky couple, who joins us for The Love Habits for the 22 days, on a dinner date! All you need to do is follow us on IG and share your progress using #lovehabits. We will pick a winner from Instagram on day 23. The more you share – the better your chances of winning!
So, who’s ready?
Go grab your husband (or wife) and give them a giant-long-7 second hug. Followed by a passionate kiss. Mine is usually accompanied by a butt squeeze too. Just sayin’. #honesty
You’ll be two thirds of the way finished for your daily task and y’all can do your catch me up chat before bed.
Haha this made me laugh. I don’t think I’ll ever fully understand men. But they are good for a laugh:).
I LOVE this. My husband and I always make sure to get those kisses and hugs in. It really makes a difference. Every day with out fail, when he comes home, a kiss is to follow. Through out the rest of the day we sneak in more kisses and hugs. I LOVE it!! It really is important!