Holy moly I am B.A.K.E.D!
I can hardly wear this BIG belly any longer.
My back hurts. My legs hurt. My inner thighs hurt. Even my hoo-hoo hurts (sorry dad if you are reading this post).
My body is definitely ready to have this pregnancy behind me. Although, my mind is NOT so ready just quite yet.
We have to get the house closer to finished first.
We are getting there….but still LOTS to do before baby B’s arrival! Finally his nursery is painted and I am super excited about the decal I ordered for his wall.
Isn’t it cute?
It’s one of the only things I’ve bought for him so far. haha!
No really…I joke…but it’s not that funny.
I know what your thinking…what could I possibly need for him since I have everything from when P was born, right? It’s mostly true…but keep in mind P was born in the summer. This baby will be born in the dead of winter.
Not a joke.
And speaking of joke….why must my husband feel the need to be all sexy and fit while I am fat and pregnant?
Do you see this body?
Way to make your wife feel EVEN fatter than she is honey. Way to go.
I know you feel yucky but you are looking super cute, you pull off pregnancy well!! We saw Parker this morning at MOMS group he is getting so big. I think him and Syd were sharing a cookie!
I just discovered your blog from Mrs. Jetplane’s blog. I’m about a week behind you in my first pregnancy. I love the shirt you’re wearing in your 34 week picture, you look so cute! Where did you find it? I would love to have one like it.
not too much longer! you’re super cute!!
.-= abbi´s last blog ..Work Christmas Party! =-.
you look great mandy! don’t let it bother you that the hubby is getting fit during your pregnancy. you can get fit after you have baby b. can’t wait to see him and the new house.
.-= Cate´s last blog ..Christmas movies =-.
You look awesome even though you don’t feel it! I thinnk my man might have worked out MORE while I was preggers. Your house is so beautiful!
.-= La.´s last blog ..The Happy Dance =-.
i’m new to your blog and i love it!
you are super super cute! less than 6 more weeks now! you look beautiful, happy, and healthy! and after having the baby, you’re going to get super fit in no time!
can’t wait to read more!
.-= meredith´s last blog ..i’ll keep you my furry little secret =-.
I know you feel like yuck, but you look adorable still girlie!! Not too much longer hon! Not too much longer til you get to be all fit and skinny again too!