THIRTY FOUR WEEKS HAS COME! 34? Really, can it be 34 already?
I decided for a front on shot this week. I wanted you to see the basketball I am sporting. And yes, that is my new iphone. And yes, the cover does match my outfit. And yes, my closet is a mess. Oh, and YES I love my new phone.
I also wanted to share with you a little sneak peek of Sloane’s room…
There is still lots left to do in there before I show you any more, but I finally have his crib (which actually use to be Bent’s crib) in the room.
One part of me is soooo excited about getting this pregnancy behind me. You know I am not a fan of pregnancy. The puffy face. The melasma. The extra weight. The swollen feet. The limited wardrobe. The back pain. Etc, etc, etc.
I am not trying to be un-grateful here ladies, because trust me, I have suffered pregnancy loss and it’s not easy. I am THANKFUL beyond belief for my healthy little boy, but a girl is allowed to vent every now and then, right?
So, here I am, plus my 23 lbs of baby,….and I am venting.
The other part of me is extremely not ready for this baby to arrive. My life was just settling in with TWO children. I JUST started to get comfortable learning how to divide my attention between TWO. And now there’s gonna be THREE? Who talked me in to this anyway (ahem-husband)?
I’m feeling overwhelmed with anxiety on how I will ever handle this. Bents is still just a baby. He is only 15 months. He still needs my attention at all times. He still needs to be held. How will I choose who to hold when the baby comes? Will it be Sloane? Will it be Bents? And then I worry about poor P Man. He will just have to be on his own. And he is kinda needy sometimes. He loves to cuddle. He loves to be carried. He loves my attention too.
The thought of it alone is stressing me out. I know it’s doable. I know people of WAY more than 3 kids total. But, really, that idea seems crazy to me right now.
Not to mention that I am BEYOND emotional lately. Can you say, Thank You Very Much Pregnancy Hormones? You can go screw yourself right about now.
For real.
I just left my bosses office in tears. Yes, that is correct, I cried in my bosses office. Isn’t that just lovely?
I would really like to exit this emotional side show STAT.
Please and thank you.
So, there you have it, the true feelings of a 34 week pregnant chick. Sorry if you are disappointed that it’s not all peachy.
All I have to say, is thank GOD for parents that live less than a mile away.
I think all your concerns are totally normal and to be expected. Not everyday will be perfect but you are an awesome Mama and you will get into your groove in no time! Love ya! xoxo
I see the way you interact with your kids now, and how you treat each one of them (including your husband) with such love and I know you’ll do just fine. Looking adorable in your pregnancy picture. hang in there!
i never thought i’d be one to say I didn’t enjoy pregnancy but after last week’s episodes, I’ve decided that pregnancy isn’t all roses. It’s constant worry on top of not always feeling the greatest. Of course the reward is worth it but it’s not easy! Hang in there. You look great!!!
You look fab 🙂 Love the sneak peak of Sloane’s room !! And perfect name you picked for boy # 3 ~~~
I think all of these feelings are to be expected!! I remember feeling this way when I was pregnant with Griffin & wondering how I was going to manage 2 kids!! Try not to feel too overwhelmed & anxious….it will all work out!! You have a great hubby & your parents are just around the corner if you need them!! ( Not too mention the fact that you have a wonderful church family that loves you & will be ready & willing to step up & help whenever you need it!!) I will be praying for you girl!!
p.s. Sloane’s nursery looks great!! Can’t wait to see the rest of it!!
You are doing (and going to do) a great job.
You are a great mom and have a beautiful family!
I’m nervous about new addition and it’s just #2!
Pregnancy is so full of worry and really it is uncomfortable at times. I try to be greatful for what I have, but sometimes you just need to vent.
I am going from 1 kid to 3 kids and am pretty nervous/anxious about the whole thing. I try not to worry over that fact too much but I know once the twins are born that the worries will set in!!
Hang in there mama, things always have a way of working themselves out!
You look great and the crib looks great as well. We only have 2 boys and we are 100% done so I don’t have any advice on how to split your time. You and your husband will figure it out. You might have to wear Sloane in a carrier/sling and hold Bents or Parker but it can be done. It might be rocky at first, but you as a family will find your groove. Best of luck!
I hear ya – on all accounts…………..EXCEPT for the “this is baby # 3” thing – can’t lie there and say that doesn’t sound a little overwhelming.
BUT, I MUST say that you make pregnancy look good and all 23 of those lbs are right in your tummy!!!! Sloane’s crib is adorable and I can’t wait to see the “big reveal”! Our 1st baby shower is next weekend and I’m beyond excited…….. you know, I’ve gone all nuts with finding the perfect outfit, etc. – first time mom syndrome in a big way here!
Hope you are having a fabulous weekend! HAPPY EASTER — enjoy your 3 guys tomorrow… soon to be 4!
I know my BFF experienced these same thoughts and feelings before the birth of her 3rd baby. I don’t have any wonderful advice (since I’m a far cry from knowing how to juggle 1 baby let alone 3!) except to say that she is an amazing mom to 3 healthy, happy, amazing kids and I know you will be too.
Also? You look fabulous! I can’t believe your little boy will be here in less than 6 weeks. (Where does the time go??)