I had my doctor appointment on Tuesday and I was dilated to 1.5 cm and my cervix was “soft”. Baby Sloane’s head was VERY low! That explains why I feel like I have a heartbeat in my vagina when he gets the hiccups. Logical.
I know that being dilated can really mean absolutely nothing. People get all caught up in thinking that because they are dilated they are going to deliver really soon. I have heard stories of girls who have walked around at 3cm’s for weeks.
But, if we are basing this off my past experiences (which also…could mean nothing), then I should be on track to deliver around 38 weeks. The same time I delivered both other boys. I have honestly never made it past the 38 week point so I would be really surprised if my body did this time. Especially because I feel like this baby is the biggest of all three of mine!
I have been having contractions on and off for over a week. Nothing consistent and nothing too painful. Just hoping that means we have PROGRESS! Pregnant chicks like to feel like there is progress.
I wanted to update you all on Bents. His fall hasn’t altered his ability to be crazy in any way. At all. He is still the baby monster he has alwasy been.
Here he is this morning…while I am getting ready…he dumped the entire bag of mini rice cakes out. 🙂
And then devoured them all.
Good thing my cleaning lady is coming today.
Speaking of which, I had to give her the “talk” yesterday. Yea. No fun.
But, last time she cleaned for me she almost burnt our house down. Literally.
I know I know. You are thinking…man she doesn’t have good luck with cleaning lady’s. And YOU ARE RIGHT FOLKS! I do not.
My last cleaning lady stole from me. And now this cleaning lady, well, she can’t really clean.
That’s a problem when that’s your sole job.
She always puts my chi and my hair dryer in a basket on my bathroom counter. However, last time she threw it in there she must have accidentally turned on the chi.
My husband came home that day early to change his shirt and when he went to the bathroom….SMOKE was coming out of the basket! I am scared to think what would have happened if he wouldn’t have had to change his shirt that day. Really, we may not have a house standing.
Divine intervention at its finest.
But, I did have to order a new chi blow dryer. RUINED! There goes $200. Although, at least my house is still standing.
I have also not been very happy with her cleaning ability. She is not very thorough. So, I told her that I would leave her a note today of some things I would like to make sure are done.
Do you think she hates me after getting this? 🙂 Maybe she’ll fire me. That will make it easy.
OMG, I have the WORST luck with cleaning ladies too. We are trying to hire one now and have interviewed 3 people/companies and NONE of them seem fitting and the one that “might” work won’t get back to us. Great! Our previous cleaning crew threw away a Nordstrom bag filled with clothes/goodies for our wedding. To top it off, she emptied the Dyson in the bag and had a wet rag in there. Can you say everything ruined??!!! So frustrating but at least your hubby came home.
First things first- you look adorable, love your top! And second, I cannot believe your cleaning lady almost burnt down your house! My worst fear EVER! Thank god nothing terrible happened, well minus the new dryer!
I’m pretty sure you should talk to my mother about cleaning ladies. We have a grave yard of cleaning ladies in our back yard. My mom goes around after they have been to our house and does a white glove test to make sure they cleaned everything. They have a spreadsheet with a check mark next to every item to make sure it is completed, and if not, they will hear about it in 2 weeks when they come back. Hope next time has a better outcome for you!
Wow that’s some list!! Sure hope you are paying her enough for all that work! You might be better off using a team approach and hiring a company like Merry Maids or Molly Maids. They send out 4 or 5 people to get it all done and they complete a checklist, too. Check their web sites.
I don’t know who cleans your house, but I just hired someone to clean my mom’s house as a gift for her birthday and she did an awesome job. She is actually a housekeeper at the hospital and cleans some of the doctors’ houses on the side. If you are interested in her name and number let me know. I think I’m going to have her clean our house from time to time just so I can get caught up on other things…like spending more time with the kiddos instead of worrying about a clean house! 🙂
so, true confession. i had a nightmare last night and you and your husband and kids were in it. i had a dream i babysat for you guys and your husband hated me (i know, this is so embarrassing). there was a tornado that came through your neighborhood and he saved all of you guys except me. HAHAHAH. so creepy.
I seriously love Bents!! Those pictures are so stinkin cute!! Him and Maddox would be good friends.
I agree with Meah…the pics of Bents are adorable!! Love to see him devouring those rice cakes!! Hope the cleaning lady did a better job for you this time!!
No way. No how. That lady would not be back in my house. She is obviously incompetent. Burn my chi? No way!
You are a most gorgeous pregnant woman and so stylish.
I’m cracking up @ your lists! I can see myself being the same way… actually I don’t know if I can relinquish control of knowing everything was done right b/c I did it myself. Once I add kids to our household, I definitely want a deep clean from a housekeeper, pshhh! Probably in my dreams! ;o)
You’re super cute! And so is Bents! Too funny.
Ooh, love the new header too and Happy Mother’s Day! Hope you get a nap!