I am hoping this is my last week (hopefully days) of pregnancy.
My friend Tonya took this picture last night when she was over for small group. By the way, if you haven’t been to her blog, you should check out some of her DIY stuff! She is pretty darn crafty! If it looks like I am grabbing my privates in this picture I apologize. That is just how low my belly is. YUK!
At my doctors appointment yesterday I was dilated 3 cm and 70% effaced.
I went back and looked at my pregnancy posts with Bents and I found out on Jan. 8th that I was dilated to 3 cm…and delivered him on Jan. 11th! I am hoping that means I am close!
I have honestly ALWAYS thought it was going to be Sunday/Monday (May 15/16). I am thinking I may be right on track! I have had contractions on and off for over a week and a half. They have been especially bad today, but nothing consistent. But, kinda annoying. Really wishing they would either just stay or go. All this in between stuff is painful.
Here’s a side view. WOWSER MAMA! Ha! I have never weighed this much in my life. Total weight gain = 26 lbs (and going up by the minute)
I have no shame.
I decided, after having contractions for a few hours last night, that I really NEED to pack my hospital bag. Like tonight. Just in case.
Afterall, I don’t want to be making my hubby go get all of my stuff. Lord knows what he would bring to the hospital for me, but I am pretty sure it wouldn’t be right.
I haven’t even had the chance to think about the fact that I will soon have 3 kids. 3 toddlers. All I can think about is getting this baby out.
Now, if you have any suggestions on what I can not live without during my hospital stay please comment away. You’d think I’d never been in labor before!
Thanks for all your kind words about Sloane’s room!!
You look great!! Sloane’s room is so cute!!! The best boys room I have ever scene…makes me want to re-do B’s.
Best of luck with the delivery. Can’t wait to see pics!!
OMG…how are you this close to having Sloane already??!! I know it feels like you have been pregnant forever, but I swear you just told me you were expecting…like…yesterday? I am so freaking excited to see pics of the little guy. And now that you will have TWO babies I haven’t met in person yet, we really need to schedule a trip. Like…soon. Love ya girl! The nursery looks beautiful!!!
GOOD LUCK! I hope the end {of the pregnancy} is near!!!
So excited for little Sloane’s arrival!! I know it seems like you have been pregnant forever, but MAN, I feel like it has flown by!! I can’t believe its delivery time already!! You look beautiful!! Don’t worry about the weight gain…you will lose it chasing after your 3 little ones!!!
p.s. thanks for the blog shout-out!!
I hope you go soon! Or, that they go away like you said. I am going to stalk your comments for hospital must-haves too. I didn’t do a very good job last time of packing! Prayers and best wishes for when you do go into real labor!
you look absolutely amazing! try to enjoy the last few days with a family of four! praying for a safe and healthy mommy and baby!