There’s A LOT going on at the Rose household!!
My MIL arrived on Wednesday…J and I left Friday for a boat trip…got back late last night….P’s birthday is Wednesday/party on Saturday…and our basement is scheduled to go in mid-week next week! Phew!! I feel like when I blink, July will be over.
All exciting things though!!
And because I know you are dying to see my baby bump (right?)….I wanted to start posting progressive belly pics.ย I didn’t have any “pre” baby pics so this will have to do.
I am actually 9 weeks here…but not showing so we can call it “pre” baby #2. P is actually pointing to the baby. ๐
Here is my baby bump at 12 weeks. See…there’s a lil something there now.
Another 12 week view.
13 weeks! It’s growing by the day!
Sorry for the poor quality photos. I need to get J to be the photographer from now on. It’s hard to get a good shot when you are the subject and the photographer. I will be entering week 14 here very soon…which means only 2 more weeks until we find out the gender. The suspense is killing me!
I have some ultrasound pics from my 12 week appointment that I am going to try and scan and get on here. Plus…lots of pics from our boat trip coming soon!
You are so darn cute! I am 10 weeks this week and am ready to start having a bump!! Hope all is going well!!!
Your 12 week picture looks my belly before I got pregnant again. Haha! You look fantastic as always mama ๐
.-= Jen´s last blog ..No One Could Resist… =-.
You are the cutest! Your 13 week belly looks like mine after I eat too much mexican food ๐
.-= Miss Monogram´s last blog ..Everythings coming up daisies?! =-.
aw….your soooo adorable!!! hardly even a bump!!! i love it!! keep us updated with pics!!
.-= abbi´s last blog ..Weekend Wrap Up! =-.
Could you be any tinier! My goodness. Can’ t wait to watch your growing belly. :o)
.-= Kelly´s last blog ..Hand, Foot and Mouth =-.
Cute…yay for belly pics! Thanks for sharing!
I can’t believe P is going to be 2 already! What a big boy! We aren’t going to be able to make it to his party because Dan is out of town until Saturday night but i will be sending him a gift so keep your eyes out for it! Hopefully I will get it there by Saturday but you know how it is.
.-= Amy´s last blog ..ok, seriously… =-.
Oh my goodness, you are cute as a button! I’m so excited to see your bellly grow ๐
.-= Miss E´s last blog ..Part II The Results =-.
You are too cute! Look at your little bump ๐ Love it!
.-= Jenny from Lucky in Love´s last blog ..Scrub Scrub! =-.
Your belly is adorable!!!! Can’t wait to watch it grow!!!
.-= Lea Liz´s last blog ..Day 2– About the same =-.