When we built our home we knew that we definitely wanted a basement. Not just for the sake of safety in storms, but because it offered so much additional storage space.
Unfortunately, we didn’t have the funds to “finish” it right away. So, for the last 2.5 years we have left it unfinished while we finished things like…the pool {much more important in my opinion – ha!}.
And honestly, all this basement ever really has been? A “catch-all” for my unwanted items and A LOT of crap we don’t need!
I rarely go down there.
For a few reasons really…
1. I don’t need to unless I’m carrying YET ANOTHER unwanted item to add to the pile of junk
2. It stresses me the heck out to see the unorganized MESS – like sends me in to “I want to hyperventilate and then pretend this is not my house” kind of stress.
I made the mistake of walking down there to go look for some clothes for SJ a few nights ago and…WOWSERS…to say that I wanted to vomit would be an understatement.
I thought to myself, “Who’s house is this? Because this is certainly not MINE!“
But, then I saw that red couch and thought…oh yea, that’s mine. And those picture frames from high school? Mine too. Even the bins filled with kitchen glasses that I will never use. Also mine.
I immediately ran upstairs and said to my husband…
“That basement is OUT OF CONTROL! I’m having a yard sale. This week.“
He looked at me like I was half-crazy {which is his normal response to my rash decisions to do random things}. And he said, “Whatever you think Babe.”
So this basement is getting an overhaul IMMEDIATELY because I refuse to lose anymore sleep dreaming about clutter.
Of course, you know I will definitely be calling my dad over for some help. 🙂 I do nothing home related without his assistance.
There are “things” everywhere down there. Just look for yourself.
Now I am debating whether I have a yard sale or just send it all to Goodwill. I have had yard sales in the past and I always say “I will never have another yard sale.”
But, I can’t lie, the organizational part of yard sales gets me a little excited. Type A’s get excited about the weirdest of things.
I hope that I can report back with much prettier pictures than these awful-no-good-junk-filled-anxiety-driven ones that I have shared with you today.
And just so I can feel better about myself, PLEASE, go check out my HOME TOUR page so you can see how I truly live. I swear this basement is not a reflection of my style.
*UPDATE: My dad came over and we have cleared out A LOT of this clutter. It is already looking 100 times better! Now I still need to decide whether I am going to attempt a yard sale or not.
Yard sales = awful! Run for the hills!
The video nerd in me loves the studio – wish i had space for one besides in my garage!
I have to say though, your basement is probably better organized than 99% of the basements out there still.
Yardsale all the way! They’re a lot of work, but as a fellow Type A I totally understand the ‘excitement’ of it.
I wish we had basements in Texas! I have helped at yard sales before but last year when we were selling our house we decided to have a yard sale. I hated every last second of it. And I have vowed to never ever have another one again. The key is though that if you don’t sell it don’t let it back in. Take it to Goodwill right away!
Good luck!
When I started on my mass de-clutter I decided to give away all the excess to charity. Except for a few items that went to friends. I don’t live in a place where there are a enough people for a yard sale and could live without the hassle. I love the extra space it gives me though and the sense of things not seeming so out of control.
good luck with your basement. We don’t tend to have basements where I live (England) I never realised they were a safety feature not just a storage area. Learn something new everyday
That totally looks like my spare room!
My basement looked like an episode from hoarders until about 3 weeks ago. My husband doesn’t want to get rid of anything but I was slowly able to get him to go through stuff and get rid of it. It may be gross, but the fact that we had a rat 6 months ago made him get rid of a lot of his stuff. We still have to go through his tool area, the office and extra bedroom in our basement but I am happy with our progress!
Have you looked into online yard sales? Do a search for yard sale and your city on FB and look in groups. I have gotten rid of so much in my local yard sale group. Only downsize… I buy a lot of things too. hehe
If you think that’s bad then you should see my garage, parents office, and guest bedroom. A total mess. My parents don’t like to get rid of anything.
My husband and I decided last month that we wanted to move to FL…and 2 weeks later we did! Agh! We decided to have a yard sale because I was not bringing any clutter with me…we made $1300 dollars in a 3 hour yard sale! I say do it! I am so type A and doing the move and yard sale was so far out of my comfort zone but so worth it! I mean who would complain about having an extra $1300 AND getting rid of a bunch of junk you’ll never use again!