Remember how I told you about our new basketball goal?
Well, what I didn’t tell you? It may have taken my husband an entire Saturday to put it together.
I always love when he decides that he wants to start a project like this because it’s VERY rare folks. VERY VERY rare.
I’ve told you once and I’ll tell you again, he’s a business man.
Not a handyman.
He likes numbers and money. Not screwdrivers and hammers.
Luckily, he doesn’t really have to be a handyman all that often with my dad less than a mile away.
However, this particular weekend…the weekend he decided to go buy the boys a basketball goal…my lovely dad was out of town. And don’t think that a 4 year old and a 2 year old will allow you to bring home an unassembled basketball goal and let it fly. Won’t happen people.
This left basketball goal assembly all in the hands of hubby.
Dun dun dun…
*Que very long day followed by bloody nose, annoyed wife and backwards assembled basketball goal.
I must say I give him an “A” for effort. The fact that he attempted to do this project on his own really is EXTREMELY out of his normal Saturday behavior.
But, I’d have to admit…he gets a “C+” in assembly. He was so proud that he finished (and so was I).
Does anyone see anything wrong with this picture?
Yea, he didn’t either. It wasn’t until our 12 year old neighbor girl said, “I think that base is suppose to go the other way.”
A quick “Nahh” from the hubby as he frantically ran to look at the picture on the box.
Sure enough. Basketball goal base…on backwards.
Leave it to the 12 year old neighbor girl to set him straight. I think he felt about 2 inches tall at that point. He did admit, “I was wondering how you were suppose to do a lay-up?”
Oh you handyman you.
As for safety? He earned a big fat “D”. About 5 hours in to the project he busted his nose open.
He also made his wife hold the pole propped up on a stroller while he fixed his backward base mistake. Notice how happy wife looks. That’s my sarcastic smile.
I will say that once it was up and correctly assembled…they boys and the neighborhood kids all loved it!
It was the ‘Rose 3’ against the ‘neighborhood 3’ for a full on basketball game.
Don’t worry, Bents might have been too little to actually play but he found his own fun during the game.
And yes, he will come after you with the broom stick and try to scare you in to giving him the ball. He will also sweep the driveway mid-game for you.
I am slightly confused on if my husband actually bought this basketball goal for the boys…
…or for himself.
aww! hahaha. “A” for effort, definitely. I can totally relate to you because my husband is nowhere near a handyman, he is a business man, hands down. Maybe he bumped his nose on purpose so that you would go easy on him 🙂 Or to show you how much of a total bads$$ he is. Like that country song goes… “chicks dig it”. But the end result was totally worth it! The pictures express exactly how much the kids loved it, and how adorable is little Bents with that broom! Ahh. I die. hahaha.
That is hysterical! Your hubs is such a good sport about it! The whole neighborhood would have heard him swearing in frustration.
Hit the button too soon! The whole neighborhood would have heard my hubs!
I chuckled at your mention of this project not being his normal Saturday behavior….because I can so relate…my husband is not a handyman either.
Nice shot of the hubs btw. Seems like it takes some camera know how to get an action shot like that.
The pic of the teams posed together is sooo cute. And the little one with the broom….priceless.
sharon @ mrs. hines class