Y’all probably know “Kate the Pinterest Hair Girl”.
I laugh when I call her that because I really DID only know her as that when I first met her.
Looooook at her amazing hair….
I remember seeing her at a blog conference two years ago and saying…“Hey, her hair looks familiar.”
Someone quickly informed that she was “The Pinterest Hair Girl”. Ohhhhhh.
Makes sense.
Her hair was famous! And gorgeous.
But over the last few years I have had the chance to get to know Kate and her adorable hair. We have attended many of the same conferences and have become more than just online friends.
She is just as beautiful in person {even preggers}…and her love for beauty and hair is something I envy. One of these days when we are at a conference together I’m gonna sneak up to her room and beg her to style my hair. You hear that Kate?
When BlogHer approached me and asked me to host one of Kate’s Almay videos…I didn’t even think twice. I love sharing people like Kate. And her tips have saved me a few times on bad hair days.
Plus, it even inspired me to try out a few new Almay products myself. I mean, if Kate-The-Pinterest-Hair-Girl is endorsing it…it must be great, right?
The Liquid Lip Balm in blooming {yes I prefer lip balm with color over lipstick any day} and the Intense-i-Color palette 422 are both fabulous.
I like the lip balm color for an every day look. It’s light and shiny…and not too overbearing. It looks way more pink in the tube than it does on your lips.
I used the eye palette for date night with the hubs to get the smokey eye look. I LOVE the grey mixed with the deep blue/grey. I think this might be the first time I have worn colors on my eyes that weren’t browns. <<gasp>>
Thank you Kate for always inspiring me!
You will WANT to watch her dish some of her favorite make-up tips here…
OH, I am a fan of Kate’s hair tutorials. I was up sick Saturday night and watched pretty close to all of them. Let’s just say I made us late to church the next morning, but my hair looked great!
Love seeing a blogger favorite on another favorite blog 🙂
I love Kate and her beauty tips! She always looks beautiful! I actually went out and bought some Almay products because of these videos. Any suggestions on eyeliner? I always seem to fail in that category. Great post! Susan
Ooo…that lip balm looks amazing. I’m new to Kate’s blog, but I’m pretty sure her hair tutorials just convinced me to cancel my upcoming hair appointment and grow mine out!
She is gorgeous..!! And her hair looks fantastic. I really want this kind of hair. Amazing beauty..!!