I do love this kid. I know I tend to constantly talk about how obnoxious he is because…well…because he is.
But sometimes I crack up at this crazy kid.
Over the weekend we he decided that he wanted to wear “big boy” pants just like “Pawwwkurrr”. And when he wants to do something, there’s no stopping him.
So, potty training was in full swing Fri-Sun. For the most part, he did wonderful. I was very impressed. Minus the one time he pooped on the carpet (again).
However, on a few occasions, he would come out of the playroom or pantry naked and I could not (for the life of me) find where he dropped his undies.
Until…well until he decided he wanted to eat some nutter-butter’s. Ahem.
I just love how proud he was that he put his undies in the snack container. Ain’t nobody gonna want to eat out of that container anymore. Besides him.
Thank you for all the concerned messages and emails about P Man! He seems to be acting a whole lot better! We are still going to do blood work on Wednesday just to verify that everything is ok. Please pray that his results are normal!
One last thing…I posted a bloopers video on Dollars & Rose’s of my hubby and I. Please excuse my poor choice of language at times and my husband’s need to grab my boobs. Check it out by clicking here!
Chelsi says
I still say I will take Bents anyday! That kid is hilarious. Hey, I’ll share his Nutter Bunners! I mean… Butters! 🙂