Saturday we celebrated Braden’s 2nd birthday! When Braden came to P’s party…he LOVED the bouncy house (more than P)…so, of course, it was only fitting that he have a bouncy house at his party! P talked about it ALL day long.
“bouncy house bouncy house’ (repeat 20 times)
However, when we finally got to the party…P wouldn’t even go near the bouncy house. In fact, he was being such a brat…that he threw his cupcake at me. In his defense, we did wake him from his nap (which he was NOT happy about) to go to the party. But, still. He was ROTTEN!
Thank goodness it was a Thomas the Train themed party…Braden’s new choo choo track…saved the day! I guess now I’m going to have to buy P a choo choo track for all his trains. It literally kept these boys busy forever. Instant babysitter. Mommy like.
On Sunday we headed to Brooke’s house to celebrate her 4th birthday. I can’t say P was an angel at Brooke’s party either. Brooke has SOOOO many toys that P wanted nothing to do with the “group” activities. All he wanted to do was play with her toys. Her mom runs a daycare so you can imagine the amount of toys that he had to choose from.
I did FINALLY get him to sit at the kiddy table when it was cookie cake time. Imagine that.
abbi says
sounds like you had a busy weekend!!! bday parties a great!!!
hope all is going well with your pregnancy!
.-= abbi´s last blog ..LETS GO RACING! =-.
Lauren says
One of my favorite things to do with my god daughter is to head to barnes and noble, grab a few magazines and head to the kids section. She plays with the trains and I get to read magazines, win win!
.-= Lauren´s last blog ..Is it fall? =-.