It’s funny because I truly thought I would never be able to leave our home in Illinois without being SUPER sad about it… and so far, I haven’t felt a ton of sadness over missing our home.
And I’m talking about the physical home… not “home” as in the town, our friends and everything that feels comfortable.
A friend of mine gave me some great advice before we moved and she said…
“A house is not your home when your stuff is no longer in it.”
Isn’t that so true??
We so often put the weight of our happiness into “things”.
We believe if we have the house we want or the car we want or the clothes we want… we will be content.
One thing moving to Nashville is teaching me, is happiness does not come from things. And being content? Has nothing to do with a house or a car or the clothes I am wearing.
I have enjoyed experiencing all the feelings of living in a new place, meeting new people and seeing life from a different perspective.
Have I missed our home?
When I think about that question, I am shocked by my answer.
I don’t. I miss my friends and my parents, but our home? I don’t think about it and feel sad.
What I do miss, is the feeling of being settled.
The feeling of permanency.
I miss the permanent.
I miss walking by the boy’s room and seeing things unpacked, organized and SETTLED in their place.
We are currently in our rental home and still VERY unsettled… with boxes filling our garage and ZERO gallery walls anywhere. 😉 And it doesn’t feel like “home”.
I am ready to feel like I can stay put and unpack our life.
Right now it feels like an in-between stage.
I am sure God is trying to teach me something through this, ya know, like being settled has nothing to do with where you live… but right now, in the midst of the waiting game, I haven’t learned to shake the feeling yet.
So, for now, I’ll push through this in-between stage and be grateful that we get to be together as a family, even if it’s in an unsettled state.
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