We’ve had a WONDERFUL…LONG…RELAXING…weekend.
P and I spent some time doing one of his favorite things, making CHOCOLATE COVERED STRAWBERRIES.
If you’ve never attempted chocolate covered strawberries at home…your missing out! It is seriously one of the easiest snacks to make.
And of course, I love that…even though it involves chocolate…it also involves fruit…the one item I can NEVER get P Man to eat.
All you have to do is buy this (I buy it at Kroger, but I am sure they have it at any grocery store)…
…along with some fresh strawberries. Stick the chocolate in the microwave (it even comes in a microwavable container). Stir.
Dip the strawberries in the chocolate. Set them aside to cool.
5 minutes later….EAT!
And I swear you will not act as crazy as my son when you get to finally eat them.
Or you might. They are THAT good.
He was pretty excited.
And he busted out his “chubby checkers” act.
Oh he is one funny dude. And the strawberries…YUM YUM YUM in the tum tum tum.
Try it at home. You will not be disappointed. But beware…it will be your new favorite snack.
Have you ever tried chocolate covered grapes? Using the green grapes. They are so awesome. My husband and son aren’t too much into the strawberries, but they love them so chocolate covered grapes. We use the same chocolate also.
I am SO keeping the “just dip it in chocolate!” tip in my back pocket, for any picky kids I may have in my future… I wonder how carrots dipped in chocolate taste? 😉