Most of you know that I use to be a dancer. Not a dancer as in a stripper. A dancer as in a college danceteam member. Just to clarify for all of you who may have been thinking dancer meant pole dancer. Although I think most of my readers are women so I probably don’t even need to clarify. ha! But just to make sure you believe me….here is proof:
After my four years on the SIU Dance Team I decided I wasn’t ready to hang up my dancing shoes just quite yet so I decided to do some coaching for my high school’s pom squad. I was hired along side another coach so there were actually 2 of us.
Even though I LOVED getting to know all the girls…it was very stressful at times. Dealing with the parents was the worst part! Man, remind me to never call up Parker’s football coach when he’s in High School and rip them a new a-hole for not playing him (of course, I am sure I won’t have to anyway since he will be a starter). 🙂
Not only that, but the other coach and I seemed to have our fair share of differences. See, I was hard core….”nazi” as they called me because I came from competitive team….and she was “nice as pie” as I like to say. She actually tried to be more of their friend than their coach. Which is fine and all if you aren’t trying to win a State Championship. Anyway, long story short, I decided that the stress wasn’t worth it to me and I officially threw in my dancing shoes the next year.
I did miss the girls terribly! Most of them were very sweet and had tons of potential. Every once in a while I will run in to one of them here in town, but not very often. Not too long ago (when my gpa passed to be exact), I received the sweetest email from one of my old pom squad members. Here is what she wrote:
You may not even remember me, but I was on the pom squad my sophomore year,that one year that you coached us. I came across your blog a couple of months ago on myspace or something, so I’m totally not a creeper or anything :). Anyway, I have been wanting to tell you this for a long time, and I thought that maybe right now you would need a little cheering up. I just wanted to tell you that the year you coached us was the best year of poms, and you did way more for us than you probably even know! You don’t know how many times Natalie and I looked back on that season and missed it so much! Your coaching us was the best thing that could have ever happened, and I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciated you. I know it was hard for you because you were going to get married soon and your fiancee was in the military, and I just wanted to say that I was happy you chose to help us! Thank you so much!
I can not tell you how much it meant to me to receive this email! I often wondered how the girls felt about me? Was I too mean? Did they see that even though I was strict I was only trying to help them better their dance abilities? Did they realize that even though I was stearn on the outside…I adored each one of them? Now I know there was at least one girl who saw my vision!
Thank you Sarah for the email! I appreciate it like you will never know!
Shauna says
AWESOME! Hope you have a great weekend! ? Hugs 🙂
Jennifer says
Awww, notes like that just brighten your day!
I was a dancer in high school, we were very competitive and hard core, and practiced more than many sports teams. I didn’t dance in college b/c I went to a small college, but I miss it!
Jennifer’s last blog post..Job Security!
Hollie says
that was so sweet! just one little note or email can mean so much. you really did make an impression on her! and on probably many more of them!
so glad to hear about this email, i know it made your day. that’s awesome!
Jen says
What a cute e-mail!! I am sure you were a fabulous coach sweetie and this just validates that 🙂
Jen’s last blog post..New Recipes for Favorite Foods
Katy says
Oh, Mandy. I loved reading your story about the dancing. What a sweet email Sarah left you. I bet that made you feel really good to know that they appreciated your sterness. They knew you cared my friend and that’s what matters. Thank you for sharing your story. Love ya girl. Have a wonderful weekend.
Man, makes me want to go dance again myself. I miss dancing.
Katy’s last blog post..It’s Friday the 13th…AND MY…………
Jenny says
That is super sweet!
Look at you in your little dance uniform! You are too cute 🙂
Jenny’s last blog post..Down…and Out
Rose says
Awwh that’s so sweet.
My 14 year old daughter loves to dance also. She’s always dancing and prancing about.
Love your site by the way. Is it ok to add you to the ‘Blogs i follow ‘ over at my site?
Rose’s last blog post..Pizza and Garlic Bread
amyt says
You go girl – I loved/love dancing !! I think that is so awesome you being on the dance team and coaching. I’m with you on the parents thing – they tend to make it rough…I’ve always said I will not be one of those parents, and I hope I’m not. My oldest daughter was on our church dancing team (yes church) they did interpretive dancing…along with sign language – it is so beautiful, I love watching it. That letter was very touching!!! That right there makes it all worth it!
RaiulBaztepo says
Very Interesting post! Thank you for such interesting resource!
PS: Sorry for my bad english, I’v just started to learn this language 😉
See you!
Your, Raiul Baztepo