For those that don’t know, my husband is a personal finance blogger. He’s a Certified Financial Planner but he ALSO blogs about personal finance. Make sense? You get the point. He’s OBSESSED with any thing financial. Kind of like I am obsessed with shopping. Except I think his hobby is less destructive than mine. Ahem.
He has two different personal finance blogs: Good Financial Cents and Soldier of Finance.
This past weekend we attended the very first Financial Blogger Conference! I really had no idea what I was getting myself in to. I mean, yes I love to blog, but NOT about finance! And finance bloggers and mommy bloggers just seem like two totally different worlds.
I was pleasantly surprised when I learned that Matt from Debt Free Adventure and Bob from ChristianPF brought their wives too! We immediately hit it off! They both have blogs (and not about finance). Betsy blogs at DIY Natural about how to make all-natural products! Linda has a style blog called Rose A La Mode!
This is our red carpet pose! Haha!
I seriously fell in love with these girls! Do you ever just meet people that you have an immediate connection with? That is exactly how I felt when I met these two. By day 2 of the conference you would have thought we were long lost best friends!

Dinner with my new bf's
I must admit, personal finance bloggers…are freaking COOL people! I don’t think I met anyone that I didn’t like. I had the chance to meet PT from PT Money (he was the mastermind behind making the conference happen), JD Roth from Get Rich Slowly, J Money from Budgets Are Sexy, Ryan from Cash Money Life, Pete from Bible Money Matters, Jeremy from Gen X Finance, Tim from Faith and Finance, Adam from ManVs. Debt, Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income, Kevin from and so many more great people!
My husband was in networking heaven!
I think I almost cried when it was time to go. I wanted to take the girls home with me! No lie!
This is just further reason why I want to attend a BlogHer or Blissdom conference in the future!
Linda, Betsy, and I are already planning a reunion soon! 🙂
Check out my husband’s video recap of the Financial Blogger Conference HERE!
*I am still wondering how Linda, Betsy, nor I made the video? HA!
This has nothing to do with the content of your post, but DAYYAM girl! You look incredible and you just had baby #3!
It was awesome meeting you Mandy and I’m really glad you came out for the conference! You both are doing some awesome stuff!
I’d wager a bet right now that you three were the cutest there! Glad it was a fun time! xoxo
I’ve already told Tonya I think we all need to do a Blissdom trip!! I’m being so, so serious!
so much fun! what a great trip! i talked about you girls all weekend long to my friends from home. i think they’re already sick of you. ha ha!
what a fun time!
you look great!
Great article post.Really thank you! Fantastic. bbkkbgeedeaf