Someone hold me.
I’m doing it.
I’m switching from a PC to a Mac Desktop.
I’m terrified. My husband has had a MacBook Pro for over 6 months now and I rarely EVER get on it. It seems like the few times I have, I have just been frustrated to no end because everything seems so backwards.
But now that I am going to be helping him edit his blog videos he thinks I need to be using a Mac. He even bought Final Cut Pro (so he tells me). EEEEK!ย What does that even mean????
So far it’s just sitting in our office floor. Staring at me. Reminding me that I need to get with it and become a believer in Apple.
*Do you like our whiteboard wall? Yea, the 2 bamboo dry erase boards that I bought my hubby weren’t enough so we added a third HUGE one. He is still complaining that he wants bigger. Ugh. Not particularly how I would have dressed up the walls. Just sayin’.
I’m slightly extremely nervous about doing away with the PC. It’s my comfort zone. People keep telling me that once I switch I will never look back. Is that true? Have any of you been a PC person your whole life and then switched to a Mac???? I’m hoping it won’t take me long to figure it out.
Any advice? What things do you like about Mac?
SJ’s not real concerned about my computer issues. He’s probably just going to be laughing at me when I can’t even figure out how to power it on.
A few blogs to check out today:
- Pete from Bible Money Matters did a great post on what the Bible says about money. I really enjoyed being able to see all the different verses about money.
- Amber from Blonde & Balanced wrote a post on quiting your job to be a SAHM. Check it out and give her some advice!
You’ll be fine! Macs have such a cleaner look, too ๐ Good luck
You will LOVE the mac once you get used to it!!! It’s so user friendly and never gets viruses….all programs come with great tutorials too……Have fun!!!
Thanks for the link!
I can’t believe Jeff is making you switch to Mac! You poor thing.. I say rebel against all things Mac, and keep your PC! I do all my video and editing on a PC – no Mac needed…
I’m sure the MAC is fine though – I’m with you on the learning curve. I’m so used to PC at this point that I really have no need to re-learn all that stuff, especially when all things PC are cheaper and can do basically all the same stuff you can on a Mac. ๐
SO glad I read this post just now.
Listen, I used to be you. Seriously. Was always ADAMANTLY a PC user. Never understood why people would want to use Macs. My boyfriend (at the time) had a Mac and I would get SOOOO frustrated using it because it seemed so foreign and daunting.
But then, I got a Macbook (the old white ones). And, although it most definitely took some getting used to, I fell in love with it. I realized that I had been judging Mac by what they USED to be in the 1990’s. They used to suck. It’s true. But now? Apple rules the world. Let’s be honest here. iPods, iPads, iThis and iThat.
Now, about 6 years later, I upgraded to a MacBook Pro, and I love it. I still use a PC at work and I still am familiar with it. But at home, I am Mac all the way. And my current boyfriend is now convinced to go buy an iPad!
GO FOR IT, girl.
My motto: Once you go Mac, you NEVER go back.
Email me if you have specific Q’s about the operating system, programs, anything.
Mac is soooo much simpler, cleaner, fewer clicks to do everything! i.e. One click to check email!! Photos go in iPhoto, music is iTunes, etc. Once you acclimate to it, you will LOVE it. I love mine! Since your hubby already knows the ropes, you’ll be a pro in no time! XOXO
I used to be a PC user until I started working for Apple 4yrs ago. A 25% discount later and I bought my first Mac (within weeks of working on one). I am typing on said computer. I have never had a single problem with it in 4 years! I no longer work for Apple (quit end of June to stay home), but I know plenty of converts. It’s really easy to use and if you have any questions and there is an Apple store near you, you can go in and talk to someone. Alot of times there are “camps” where they teach people. And Final Cut Pro is supposed to be awesome.
Good luck!
Bobby keeps telling me the same thing! He has so many other apple products, so he thinks that we need a MAC! He also tells me that it will make my blogging easier…I’m with you though, I have been using a PC for so long that I think switching to a MAC will just be more trouble!! I will wait to hear from you before I make any decisions… ๐ Good Luck!
YES!!! it’s true! My favorite thing about my Macbook Pro is that it really is as easy as it appears. Do you have an Iphone? Its like that, but bigger. The ease of use is incredible and if I can’t figure something out its because I’m over thinking it and it really is easier than I am making it. Good luck, and if you have an Apple store nearby then take total advantage if you don’t understand something. Good Luck!
Macs are awesome. I have a macbook at home and work on the 27 in IMac at work. My husband was highly against the mac until my PC died awhile ago, I then convinced him to get the macbook. He loves it now. Takes a little time to learn all the quirks of Pages and Numbers but they essentially run the same as Word and Excel just substantially cheaper. You will get the hang of it. There are tons of free tutorials on their website and you can take classes at the Apple store next time you make it over to St Louis. Have fun. Iphoto is great to work with pictures on.
I switched to a MacBook three years ago and I will NEVER go back. Sometimes I have to use PCs at work, or my parents both have them, and I always find myself missing my beloved MacBook. I hope you like it!
I switched four years ago, but still use a PC everyday at work. I got used to everything pretty quickly, but for any office work I still use Office for Windows to make things compatible when I go back to the office. I know that Apple iWork will export to Office file formats, but the formatting always gets jacked up. I use Parallels and Windows 7/MS Office for Word/Excel/Powerpoint – Everything else (surfing, video and audio edits, etc) I do in OSX.
You can assign ‘Spaces’ (different desktops) to various key combinations like I did – When I have Parallels running I can hit ‘Command + 2’ and be in my Windows side. Hitting ‘Command +1’ takes me back in OSX.
My advice would be to go out and buy a copy of the ‘Missing Manual’ for OSX. It’s invaluable for switchers. Also: just do it! The more you use it, the more you realize what you’ve been missing. With Parallels you can have the best of both worlds ๐
Welcome to the family!
Final Cut is a type of editing software. My college uses it. I’ve heard it’s really nice. Have fun!
Matt keeps saying he’s going to buy me a Mac because he’s such a believer now, and he’s sick of hearing me grumble at my PC. ๐ I have NEVER heard him talk about loving a computer until he got his Mac, now it’s all I hear!!! I’m sure you’ll like it & you can give me some tips when it’s my time to figure one out. Good luck & have fun! xoxo
I was a PC user for years at home. My school computer has always been a Mac. A few years back we got MacBooks and I have never looked back. We have to turn our computers in over the summer for updates and it drives me CRAZY to have to use our Dell or my dh’s laptop. I told my dh that the next computer we buy will be a Mac without a doubt. Once you go Mac you never go back! ๐
oh mandy, i know! it’s so hard! but i think you might actually like it! but it is gonna take some getting used to, that is for sure. but i say go for it and make sure you have time to figure it out before you go all the way. nothing more frustrating than trying to do something really quick that you know should only take 2 minutes, and then it takes you an hour because you can’t figure it out.
yeah, it’s happend to me. ha ha!
You will LOVE your mac. I switched almost 7 years ago and I dread using my work PC everyday…love, love, love my mac!