I just want to say THANK YOU for all of your prayers, comments of encouragement, thoughts, and emails about the passing of my GK. I feel like I shared more of my emotions and thoughts with you and this blog then I did with my family. I know it seems weird, but for some reason I felt comfortable reaching out to you all.
We had such a good visit with my gma (or B’s as P calls her) and it was nice to be able to spend some time with her. P didn’t waste any time when we got there….he went straight to the closet of toys. Funny how a 19 month old can remember very important toy closets! I have to say it was quite strange to go visit and not have my GK there. It just didn’t feel right. I am sure with time, this will be our new normal, but for now….its hard to take in. I think B’s appreciated that P seemed to already know where Papa Kenny was…..he kept waving to the sky. It melted my heart….and hers too!
I just feel blessed that I have my Gma. And I think she will be around for quite awhile…THANK THE LORD! She still gets down on the floor, indian style, and plays with P just like she did me when I was little. Now that she will have a lot of time on her hands she is already planning some trips to visit us here in SO IL! We can’t wait!
One of the happier parts of our trip up north was having all the “lil” cousins together. P just loves these kids!
Miss Kennedy was full of poses as usual. This lil girl is full of sassy-ness and I LOVE IT! She is ATTITUDE ATTITUDE ATTITUDE and such a doll! I think the sassy-ness runs in the family…ahem.
Makailee was holding P’s CG hostage and would only give it back for a few kisses! This girl knows how to negotiate! P gave her “the cheek”…he must have known that when your related you can’t kiss. ha!
Again, thank you for all of your encouragement! This blog is my outlet….without all of you I would be LOST!
Always thinking of you!
I’m glad you got to spend some time with your family. I’m sure it was really good for all of you.
Jenny’s last blog post.."Light Christian Humor"
glad the time with your family went well.
sorry it was under less than perfect circumstances.
thinking of you…
Hollie’s last blog post..Something’s Fishy
Just wanted to say how sorry we are to hear about your G-pa. It is never easy. Give the P man a kiss from Em and I and know that we are thinking about you guys~
Amy & Em
P.S. The blog looks great~
Mandy- I love the photos of teh kids. You are right. She definately is all attitude. some good some sassy. 🙂