I now officially own FOUR strollers.
I have 2 kids. Not four.
Finding a stroller that I like AND that my kids like has been quite the process. I have 2 single strollers and 2 double strollers.
When I found out I was going to need a double stroller I was dead set on getting the Maclaren Twin Triumph. It was everything I wanted. Sleek. Modern. Easy to push. Did I mention stylish? Folds up easy. Overall, I had wanted a “Maclaren” since the day I had P Man.
I wish I could say that it was the PERFECT stroller for my kids and that they absolutely loved it. Unfortunately, Bents could not stand it. He is the happiest baby on the planet, but the second he was put in the Maclaren….SCREAMING. AT.THE.TOP.OF.HIS.LUNGS.
He hated it. Every single second of it. I don’t have any idea why. He just did.
So I have recently decided to purchase a new double stroller. Because let’s be honest…I can’t possibly push 2 single strollers at once.
I decided on buying one that allows Bents to sit up a little straighter and to be able to have a tray with SNACKS! We all know how important snacks can be, heh.
I could have went crazy and spent in the upwards of $1,000 on a double stroller. Don’t think I wasn’t tempted. There are some really cute EXPENSIVE stollers out there. But, in all honesty the Baby Trend brand had everything I was looking for.
One of the things the Maclaren is missing is a snack and drink holder. Trust me, when I need just an extra 5 minutes in J.Crew…snacks become my savior. I NEED A SNACK TRAY! I can mulit-task, but I can not push a stroller and hand feed my kids their snacks one by one (and shop).
I love that the Baby Trend has snack trays and drink holders for both seats. It also converts to a sit-n-stand. It pushes easier than my Graco single stroller AND it has a big basket underneath (for al my shopping bags). 🙂
For the price of $179.99…I have been thoroughly impressed so far.
So now the question remains…should I sell the Maclaren? I have such a hard time parting with it. It’s like BRAND NEW. I only used a few times. And I WANTED it forever. But, I have a feeling that it may just hang on my garage wall for the remainder of my kids young life.
Sorry the Maclaren didn’t work out. We bought one with Kaedin and now have one for Liam. Is it possible to return it? Does it look used? If Bents doesn’t like it now he might not ever like it. If you try and sale it you will get no where what you paid for it. So I would try and return it if you can and then if you can’t then try and sale it. It is pretty and a great stroller. Do you know anyone else that might need a double stroller? I too don’t like that there is no try. Liam would be much happier with one.
Good luck!
SELL IT, take the money and buy something else for the house, the kids or for heavens sakes yourself. Christmas is coming, you can always throw the $ towards toys that they’ll love instead!
I would for sure try and sell it! I have the same baby trend you got and I HATE the way the basket is so hard to access!! Do you find that to be a problem too?
Since Mac’s hold their value so well… maybe wait until you have a third? Maybe by the time Bents is P’s age he will like it better. My nephew is 7.5 mo and has liked his Mac since he was 4mo… so I think Bents may just be bein’ picky right now. Depending on how long you’re waiting, it will still be worth $ for a while.
But, if you like the tandem one so much, maybe just stick with that one? Ok, that didn’t really help!
if it makes you feel better, I only have baby c in a stroller as mini k, almost 5, walks now and i have 3: a bugaboo frog, a bugaboo bee and a BOB jogging stroller. they are taking up an ENTIRE closet that i would much rather have for other things!
Is this a Mensa question? Just kidding…it’s been a long day. I say let a friend borrow it for a little while and see if you really miss it or not. If you do, get it back. If you don’t miss it, then let your friend keep borrowing it or sell it for some cold, hard cash!
Taking 2 babies/toddlers out of the house can be turn to a nightmare. I know how frustrating it can be. My advise get a Combi double stroller. It’s a life saver. I know because I use to run after my kids everywhere we went. Now I can relax and I feel secure and my babies are safe.
If you have a chance, come and visit me back