Have you ever thought about quitting your day job so that you could blog full time? Did you have that thought for about a millisecond and then think you were crazy for thinking that you could make REAL money from blogging?
If you have ever wondered HOW people claim that they “blog” for a living then you need to listen to the story of Bob Lotich from ChristianPF.com.
Bob shares his story on how after getting laid off from his full time corporate world job and focusing his effort on full time blogging he was able to make a greater income than he had been making at his day job. And it only took him nine months.
Yes, nine months.
Bob shares his tips and tricks on how you can quit your day job and follow your passion to blog full time!
You can find Bob at ChristianPF.com and at Blogging Your Passion.
If you are new and interested in starting and making money from a blog I highly encourage you to check out Bob’s course “BYPU 101: The Beginner’s Course to Starting a Blog”. Click here to view more details
If you already have a blog, but would like to learn how to take it to the next level than check out “BYPU 201: Begin Growing Your Blog”. Click here to view more details. He has great information on increasing your traffic, SEO, making money, and much more.
He also offers a 5 week webinar course where he talks about a simple blogging system for turning your passion into profit. Click here to visit Blogging Your Passion.
If you prefer to read on your personal reader, you can find Bob’s book on Amazon ‘How to Make Money with a Blog‘.
A huge thanks to Bob for taking time out of his day to talk with the Dollars and Roses team!
Just stumbled upon your site the other day. Thank transparency of your journey is much needed in this industry!
Loved, loved, LOVED this post! Thanks for the helpful info. Mandy, question for you … I noticed you are using the BlogHer network on your site. I put in a request with BlogHer as well (about 20 days ago), with no luck. I’m going to try back in six months. I’m not sure if it’s a lack of traffic or an overabundance of applicants … do you have any tips for how I can be successful with my next attempt?
I’m so grateful you two decided to start this blog… I just found out we’ll be relocating, so I have to abandon a corporate job that I LOVE and will now be a stay at home mom. This blog is going to be a great inspiration for me, thanks so much Rose family!
Great podcast by Bob. An I agree, the article on Christan PF that Bob speaks about in this podcast is a good one. I stumbled on it a few months ago and I have it bookmarked and I read it and refer back to it often. Thanks for the podcast!
While looking at pinterest I discovered your site. Very interesting! Blogging seems like it could be fun as well as inspirational and encouraging. We need more positive uplifting things to read. We need to hear people’s testimonies to help one another. You guys are paying it forward on your journey of blogging which is something I greatly believe in! I don’t even have a Facebook b/c of the negativity it creates & seems a bit narcissistic. I feel a little more encouraged about blogging. I would like to try it b/c we all have something in us amazing to impact the world! Thank you!
Still trying to find my blogging niche. Desperately but diligently looking for something I can sink my teeth into. Just wanted to show some love. The site is awesome and it’s lit a candle in a dark room of discouragement. Much love to you both.
I want to be a successful blogger, make a little moolah and take some pressure of the husband. I just started the end of june and have no idea where to go next, go look at my page. It’s pretty cool. I made it myself!
loved the video, …. wait, he’s wearing shorts, but its raining outside?
Nice Yeti, we just bought one and it arrived in the mail today. I think I’ve been on your site for 90 minutes now. I’m just soaking it in. Great stuff guys, I love it!