This is just a warning that you are about to be bombarded with picture collages. There is no way around it.
I just returned home from my second time attending Blissdom. I have attended many other types of conferences…I must say that Blissdom is the most unique.
Allie Worthington {co-founder of Blissdom}, Jennifer from Blissfully Ever After, Teresa.
Last year I went in to the conference with the idea that I was going to learn so much at each session and be this big huge brilliant blogger afterwards.
{That never happened by the way – becoming huge brillant blogger.}
While I did learn a ton {both years}…this year was more about networking and meeting new friends. I wasn’t as concerned about attending EVERY single session possible. In fact, there were a few times that I skipped out on a session so that I could get to know some new blogging friends better.
It also kept me less stressed because I wasn’t rushing from one thing to the next and I got time to spend chatting with other women.
And in case you are curious how this compares to other conferences {as far as the sessions go}…I would say Blissdom is more about being inspired and less about specific blog take-aways. It’s more of a bigger picture type of conference.
Natalie from The Busy Budgeting Mama and her adorable son Micah.
One thing I am never prepared for when I attend ANY conference is the lack of sleep. You would think that motherhood would have me used to the minimal sleep time, but it doesn’t.
At Blissdom, ain’t nobody got time for sleep.
And I’m severely feeling it this week
{Left to right} Lindsey from The Pleated Poppy, Kacia from Coconut Robot, Jon Acuff, Erin from My Thirty Spot, Tonia from The Chatty Momma, Tonya from Love of Family and Home, Jennifer from Blissfully Ever After, Allison from House of Hepworths, Jamie from C.R.A.F.T, Ashley from The Shine Project, Scott Stratten, Robin from Robins Chicks
My husband traveled to Dallas with Tonya and I so that he could hang out with a few of his personal finance blogging friends who live in Dallas. We split ways at the airport, but I was thankful I had him there to carry my suitcase for me. Especially AFTER the conference since I had a ton of additional items added to my bag…via free Blissdom swag.
In fact, I barely made the 50 lb luggage weight limit on the return flight. I was at 50.5 lbs. Bahaha!
Luckily I didn’t have to reshuffle and the attendant let me slide.
Nancy from Haus to Home, Robin, Jennifer, Natalie, Tonya, baby Micah, Meredith from The Tichenor Family, Megan from In This Wonderful Life
The opening keynote was Scott Stratten, whom I wasn’t super familiar with until I mentioned it to my hubby. His response, “SHUT UP…SCOTT STRATTEN IS GOING TO BE AT BLISSDOM??!!!!!”
And yes, I am using all caps because he was that excited.
Apparently he’s a big deal. He wrote the book Unmarketing which is on my book shelf. I think my hubs was trying to think of a way he could sneak in to the conference and give Scott a big manly hug. Or a high five.
Of course, I was most excited about Jon Acuff again. He rocked it last year and left me so inspired that I was for sure he wouldn’t top it this year. And I was wrong.
That man knows how to speak. I can’t wait to read his newest book called “Punch Fear In The Face”. You can pre-order it here.
{Top to bottom} Robin, Erin, Allison {previously linked to above}
The number of amazing women I encountered was ENDLESS. So many.
In order to keep this post from being a book I am going to have to just let the pictures do the talking.
Jon Acuff, Melissa from View From Five Two, “Lulu” from The Dirty Martini Diaries, Erin from Miss E’s Misadventures, Brandi from Mama Laughlin, Megan from Skinny Meg, Holly from The Stanfield Clan, Molly from Stilettos and Diapers.
Remember how I said I hated what I was wearing on day 1? I did. It was bad. I had 9 outfits to choose from. NINE! And I chose my least favorite so I can “save” the other ones for another day. Then when I began seeing the pictures of myself…I was all like BLECK!
I walked around thinking that everyone was whispering about how ugly my outfit was or how tired I looked. It even probably stopped me from being as social the first day.
Then I realized a few things about my wardrobe.
1. Most people could have cared less about what I was or was not wearing.
Have you ever been so dang insecure about something and let it consume you? That was me on day 1. I was just certain that the next 20 blog posts I would see on Blissdom would all be talking about how horrible my outfit was. I wanted to shout out to the room, “Hey guys, I normally dress cuter than this!”
The truth was, no one cared about my outfit. No one probably even noticed my outfit. Which leads me to…
2. The universe doesn’t revolve around my wardrobe.
Nope, it’s true. Not a single soul probably spent ANY amount of time whispering about my wardrobe. In fact, 98% of them probably had no idea who I even was. And they definitely weren’t judging my shrunk striped tank top.
It’s funny how insecurities can make you feel.
I was being so self-centered. I finally realized that I was not the center of the world. I was the only one who wasted any brain cells on my bad wardrobe selection.
Once I finally realized that the world didn’t revolve around me and my outfit…I felt so much better.
As an only child, sometimes I have to really take a step back and be smacked back in to reality.
AP from I Love You More Than Carrots, Jennifer from Life in the Green House, Carrie from Caroline G., Kate from The Small Things Blog, Natalie and baby Micah.
We landed back in St.Louis to snow. In the spring.
Yea, not cool. I love that Tonya was wearing her flip flops. Ha! There was this covered area where we were waiting for our shuttle to pick us up…except I looked over and wondered why my husband was still getting snowed on. That’s what happens when there is a big hole in the covered canvas. See picture below.
I’ll leave you with one of my favorite quotes from the conference {from Jon Acuff}…
“Fear only gets louder when you do things that matter.”
Now excuse me while I go sleep for the next 5 days straight.
It was so wonderful to see you and catch up. I was so nervous to ask people to take pictures, but now I am so sad because I have none 🙁 I hear you on the sleeping for 5 days straight… I feel like I will never catch up. You looked lovely all weekend lady!! xo
I loved meetin you too and I was JUST thinking…how do we have NO pics together!!! DARN!!!
For the record, I thought all your outfits looked great and I totally understand saving the best for last!
Looks like you had a great time. I’d love to get the opportunity to go next year…we’ll see!
Thanks Kala! You are sweet friend! It really is fun to meet people in person.
seems like you had a wonderful time! and I`m glad you didn`t let your outfit get in the way of socializing! It`s weird how you can get so self-conscious sometimes, thinking everybody is making fun of you, while all along, nobody is even noticing the things you`re obsessing over!
Yes! I am glad I finally got over that after I changed twice on day 1. LOL!
Hopped over to the site for you … love that quote from Acuff! Glad you had a blast at Blissdom.
Missed you this year Susan!
Mandy, this looks like a great time! All of your outfits are adorable! Are you planning to go to Haven? It’ll be my first blog conference and August can’t get here soon enough!
I am going to Haven this year too! We must meet!!!
Yes, definitely!
I am SO upset with myself for not finding you and introducing myself! I really enjoyed both the opening and closing keynotes – I started reading UNmarketing last night and already love it! Hopefully we can connect at the next conference!
You should have!!! DARN!! Maybe next year! I am about to start reading UNmarketing!
Mandy, you looked adorable as always! Just ordered my book and hope you win! Good luck! And enjoy a good nap:)
Thanks so much girl!
What a genuine post. And I thought you looked great!!
Thank you Abbey!
You must live close to me as I live in St. Louis… Looks like you did a lot of networking and it was a wonderful trip! I am still wondering if you wore those leggings from Target. 🙂
I chickened out! Haha! I didn’t wear them! I am about 2 hours from STL…I didn’t know you were so close!!
Loved looking through all of your photos! I had such a great time traveling/hanging with you all weekend!! Looking forward to Haven in August so that we can get some more “girl time” in!
I hopped on over to Jon’s site from yours! Hope you guys when that trip! That would be AWESOME!!
I enjoyed my girl time with you too Tonya! We need to plan slumber parties more often. LOL!
I love this post and all your pics! I didn’t take nearly as many as I wanted to! As someone that loves clothes and is constantly checking peoples outfits out, I can honestly say I thought you looked cute everytime I saw you!
You are too cute for words my friend! Like gorgeous! Inside and out!
Looks like you had a blast! And you look darling!
Thank you Jenny!
I always enjoy reading but hardly leave comments- thanks
So glad you commented Kelly! 🙂 Nice to “e-meet” you!
It was so good to meet you and hug your neck, if only for a second! And I totally agree about the clothes. I fretted and fretted over my ratty maternity clothes that I was bringing. Then I got there, and threw caution to the wind, wearing my comfortable flip flops every day because otherwise I’m sure my feet would have swollen to the size of cantaloupes before the end of the conference if I had worn anything else.
I hope that you guys win the dinner with Jon and Dave… that would be superbly awesome!
I beg to differ on the huge brilliant blogger comment! Looks like you had a great time.
Awww, you are silly! Thank you though! 🙂 I did have a very good time!
Great recap! I LOOOVED finally seeing you in real life. Because video is close but not quite real life 🙂 Wish we could have chatted more! xoxo
I agree Melissa…you were one of those that I definitely wished I could have spent more time with! I was so stinkin happy to see you won the nursery!!! Awesome! I loved meeting you!
Wow, looks like you had an awesome time. And I think your outfits look cute.
Thanks Jen!!
I am SO glad I got to meet you!!! I thought you looked adorable and look forward to doing a little more internet stalking… 🙂 In a non-creepy way, of course!!
Rachel, it was so nice to meet you as well! Can’t wait to follow your blog!
You looked adorable–in every outfit! Thanks so much for sharing your experience so that we can live vicariously through you. 😉 Someday…sigh… Hope you’re having a great week, Mandy!
~Abby =)
Thank you Abby!
I always love what you wear and I am looking! LOL…so glad we had a chance to see each other again. I’m also glad that you and Molly took a photo together, because last year I actually mistook her for you for a minute. Your photos look great. Blissdom was a lot of fun as always!
Girl you are hottttt and I am always jealous of your gorgeousness! 🙂 I’m flattered that you would compare me to Miss Molly! LOL! Nice to see you again!
It really was so so great to meet you IRL! I just couldn’t get over that I had your blog saved to go through because I loved it so much! BTW, your outfits were so dang cute, every one of them, but it didn’t matter because you are so warm and I loved getting to know you. Great recap, and I am stoked to see I was mentioned!
Stay in touch and maybe we can work on some projects together in the future!
It’s so funny because I knew you looked familiar too and then it hit me…we were both Blogging 101 CL’s! HA! I love your site! Let’s definitely collaborate on something together in the near future…yes?
Love this post. Totally true about people really didn’t care about what you were. I thought you looked great all weekend. Glad I was able to meet you!
Thank you Sarah!! It was nice to meet you too!
So great meeting you Mandy!!! You are such a sweetheart girl!!
Awww, thank you Brandi! I have been following your journey for awhile now and you are truly so inspiring! So glad I got to meet you in person finally!!