…EVERYONE should own one of these!
Who doesn’t LOVE to have someone else clean their floors?
Especially someone who can’t talk back to you and tell you that you have neglected to clean under the entertainment center in months. Or that you really should have picked up the dog hair before it collected in piles.
L.O.V.E. the ROOMBA!
Do they make robots that do laundry?
Or perhaps ones that can babysit your kids while you catch a quick shower?
Speaking of shower.
The MIL is still here for now so I have actually been showering like a normal person.
But, before she got her…I didn’t shower for 3 days in a row. And, as if that’s not bad enough, I wore the same shirt for those 3 days.
And it was white on day 1. More like grey on day 3. Not a lie.
It’s a good thing my husband loves me a lot because I am pretty confident that I didn’t smell like a princess during that time.
So I’m thinking when she leaves…a robot would be nice so I don’t repeat that nasty 3 day shower boycott.
I hear ya babe! I have gone close to 3 days without showering. And I have worn the same black yoga pants a good 4 days in a row. They could practically put themselves on at that point. Ha! It is a good thing that we have husbands that love us even when we look like dirty slobs 🙂 We just have to keep reminding ourselves that these kiddies are worth it.
God bless Grandmas and vacuum robots!!!
.-= Jen´s last blog ..2-Year-Olds and Photoshoots Don’t Mix =-.
That’s so weird that you posted about this! I have been thinking about getting one lately, but wasn’t sure if it would be worth it. I think some of the earlier models got bad reviews, but it sounds like it might be a good idea. I abhor vacuuming (followed closely by ironing!), so anything that does it for me is a good investment in my book 🙂
.-= Jenny @ Practically Perfect…´s last blog ..Chicago! =-.
Glad you have some help from your MIL. The sleep deprivation of the newborn stage was such a challenge. Glad you got a shower. I once went FIVE days without showering while traveling through Italy via train (and sleeping on the trains). That shower I took after five days, was still the best shower of my life! 🙂