We are headed to Vegas! Yep, ALL of us! I really didn’t want to travel with Bents so young just yet. Afterall, been.there.done.that, when P was this age…and it was NOT fun. I think I swore to myself I would NEVER fly with a toddler again.
Well. It must be like labor. You forgot how terrible it really was and you decide, hey…it can’t be that bad right…let’s try it again. Ahem.
Although, looking back at the pictures…it looks like we were having a great time. Funny how that’s NOT how I remember it being.
And if you would have asked me if this EVER happened…I would have said ABSOLUTELY NOT. I can not, for the life of me, EVER remember P Man falling asleep on someone’s lap???? Hell would freeze over before Bents would do something like that. He sleeps in ONE place. And one place only. His bed.
I guess I must have put the camera away during the Parker plane tantrums (probably to try and save face with the kind passengers sitting near us), because trust me, I REMEMBER tantrums. Lots of them. Being confined at 10 months is not cool people.
I realize I am setting the tone to be slightly negative, but I’m merely preparing my mind for the worst.
Because, you see, Bents prefers to be on the go. He’s a happy baby (remember?).
There is one thing that makes him not happy. To be confined to your lap. *SIGH*
Which excites the hell out of me for tomorrow’s plane ride. I did decide to buy him his own ticket (unlike when we took P Man on “our lap”). I plan on taking the car seat and hoping he thinks he’s on a car ride.
But FOUR long hours, on a plane, with a 10 month old and a 3 year old, does not tickle my fancy (if you know what I’m saying).
We decided that if we “waited” till Bents was older before we did the plane thing….it would only be worse because not only would Bents be older, but we would have a newborn. And that folks, would be the only thing worse than traveling with 2. Traveling with 3. Whew.
Wish us luck. We will need it. Lots of it.
Tonya says
Good Luck! Have a safe flight & a great trip!
Jody G says
Good luck! Have a great time! Also, I tagged you in my last blogspot to receive the versatile blogger award. It told me to leave you a message telling you about the award so that you could take part in it if you wanted. 🙂
Chuck Rylant says
This post is so funny because I can so relate. We love traveling, but I always freak out, because our son always freaks out, which then makes my lovely wife freak out.
We tried the first time, about the same age as yours, to do the free lap thing to save a few bucks an learned from then on the extra $400 or more is cheap!
Our little one is now 3 so it’s getting better, as you know with a 3 year old of your own, but since we also have a wild one, I had to chime in. I suppose misery loves company or there is a bit of comfort knowing your not alone 🙂