Kindergarten drop off was this morning.
I must say that I shocked myself and didn’t bust out one tear.
I know, right?
I’ve only been talking about how I am going to ball my eyes out for 3 weeks…and then the day comes…and I didn’t even need to wear my water proof mascara. What a waste of money.
P did just fine.
Better than I imagined actually. He is usually extremely shy and, to my surprise, he walked right in and sat down at his desk like he owned the place.
Since we live close to the school we all walked him over for his first day!
I think it was THIS moment below when my mood went from “Oh, we’re going to Kindergarten YIPEE!” to “I’m over having kids old enough to refuse my love!”
Here are some things I have realized about myself after that walk.
When I am sad…
- I give a lot of dirty looks to random innocent people including the guy at the gas station who so nicely tried to hand me a 32 ounce cup for my soda. I just stared at him like, “Yea, you better hand me that cup you jerk.” WHAT???
In fact, my sadness really just turned to straight up bitterness. I can’t exactly explain why, but I will tell you…if you see me today you may want to stay far far away. I’m in that I-will-punch-you-in-the-face-if-you-look-at-me-wrong kind of a mood. I’m thinking I should tell my husband to stay the night at his office.
2. I like to eat a lot of candy. As in, I just downed 17.5 of these mini snickers.
I’m about to move on to the homemade chocolate chip cookies staring at me on the kitchen counter next.
And don’t be surprised if I pick up P from school and say, “Don’t you want to go get some ice cream for being such a big boy today?” Because adding an extra 5 lbs to my hips should surely cure my mood.
3. I am acting like I just lost my favorite Michele watch. Depressed. Angry. Tired. Ticked.
I’m not even on my period for God’s sake.
All of this disturbing behavior just because my son is off to Kindergarten and he wouldn’t hold my hand? Dear God, I’m a bit of a hot mess.
Not to mention that my son’s school is RIGHT NEXT DOOR! I can see his classroom window as I am typing this post.
You would think that would make me feel better. But, nope, I continue to wallow in my misery as if I am never going to see him again.
Don’t worry, I’ve already been outside like 9,867,345 million times. And yes, I stand in my driveway and wave. Just in case he’s looking out the window. I mean, you never know…what if he was looking and saw me and I ignored him.
Instead of crying, like a normal mother of a 5 year old boy who is sad to see her son off to big boy school, I’m threatening to punch people. Strangers. Friends. Family. Co-workers. Wait, my only co-worker is my husband. Still, I’ll punch him too.
Whoever told me that the first day of Kindergarten was suppose to be bittersweet, forget to mention that it was more bitter than sweet.
Is it 2:20 pm yet?
Hahahaha I am laughing so hard thinking about you standing out in the driveway waving at the school. So funny! Good luck waiting until time to pick him up!! I’m sure he is having a great time 🙂
I’ve been outside 2 more times since I wrote this post…
I just recently started blogging and I love reading your and your husband’s blogs. My blog hasn’t quite taken off yet because I’m still not sure what I want to post but your posts reassure me that it’s okay to include my personality when I write. I’ve realized maybe I’m a little too worried about what people will think about my posts (seeing as mainly it’s only my friends and family viewing them at this point). I really love how you just write your blogs like your having a conversation with a friend. Keep it up! 🙂
Thank you! I appreciate the compliment! It is a hard balance between writing what you want to say and worrying about what people will think. I struggle with that too! But, in the end, I have to just be me. 🙂 Some people will like it and others will hate it, but o-well! Haha! Just be YOU!
Your outfit is too cute! Good luck to your baby on his first day! My niece just started Kindergarten on Tuesday too. And may I just say that you have the best legs I’ve ever seen??
Thank you girl! You are so sweet…does good legs make up for poor attitude? Ha!
Look on the bright side, if he needs you, it won’t take you long to get to him at all!
I’m glad he did so well! I’m sure it was bittersweet for you, but I’m shocked you didn’t cry! Sometimes that happens though and we think we’re going to cry and we don’t. I always thought for sure I’d cry when Jeff proposed, but I didn’t shed a single tear lol. I also get mean and nasty when I’m sad, angry, upset, etc. I feel sorry for people who cross me on days like that 🙂
You have such a beautiful family!
Thank you Melissa! Sure enough, day 2 did me in! LOL!
What a handsome little guy! Glad he owned it like a boss 🙂
Don’t worry. I can see myself doing EXACTLY what you have been doing/feeling all day!
It’s funny because I have three boys and those milestones feel so different for the first and last child, but the poor middle child does not affect me as much because it’s not the “first” and won’t be the “last”. The other day I was dumbfounded when I realized that my middle is in 5th grade and it just seemed so darn old to me. I rarely have those revelations about the middle one. I am happy to report that my youngest who will be 7 in less than a month is still the biggest snuggler, hugger, and love bug. I keep thinking when will that end, and then I will be curled up in the fetal position in the corner singing “kumbaya”
Haha! This made me laugh because it is so true “not the first but not the last”. So true! I think I may just be singing “kumbaya” with you when I have an empty nest!
so funny!! the driveway picture really made me giggle 🙂 now that is close! talk about convenience!! 🙂
You would think I would be less of a basket case, but nope! Ha! Love your fireplace makeover!! The mosiac tile looks awesome!
p.s. i, too, will walk my first born son into kindergarten on monday. not sure how i’m going to react. we’ll soon shall see!
Love it. Sounds like me sadly, I tend more to anger than tears myself. We’ve got a lot of ice cream so come on over!! Your family looks like a walking Gap ad or something… Too adorable! Thanks for sharing. I’m waiting on the post when he shows up at home for something 🙂
That would be hilarious if he just walked right on over. I am sure it would land him in tons of trouble with his teacher! Yesterday he said…”Did Poppy fix my truck (he had a broken truck that I told him grandpa would fix)?” I said…”Oh no, Poppy hasn’t been here to do that.” He goes, “Really, then why was Poppy’s truck in our driveway when I was at recess?”
You are too funny. Your post made my laugh and tear up at the same time. My son starts school on the 27th and just the thought makes me want to cry. We are all excited about school and his first day, but i know that, that feeling of excitement will soon be over for me when I realize that he’s in a classroom and not with my mother-in-law. I won’t be able to call and find out how’s his doing. If he’s having a good day or did he like his lunch…
That is the hardest part for me…I can’t call and check on him! Well, I suppose I could…but they may think I am cray cray! I just have to trust that he is doing well. 🙁 Good luck on your son’s first day!!
Aw sweet Mandy! Thank you for being so honest! I love how close your house is to his school! I don’t know what I will do when my sweet baby goes to Kinder!
how funny is this?! I have just started reading your blog recently and with my boring job as a bank teller…. I have found myself reading it everyday!! lol thanks for sharing! This really made me laugh!
Thanks for reading!
I totally understand your anger! My situation with my five yr old was a little different. My anger was towards his teacher. My poor little guy asked to use the restroom and she told him to wait. Well…. He waited…..and waited and ended up having an accident. Come on…. It’s the second day of school. Give the kids a break ya know! So I was angry yesterday. I too, wanted punch someone in the face! Kindergarten is a big deal. I just don’t want my little guy terrified of school. Good luck with pick up. I’m sure you will better when you see him 🙂 love your post. I enjoy reading your blog! You are very funny! 🙂
Oh my goodness! That is terrible!! Poor guy! I worry about the “bathroom” thing too! I hope your teacher felt bad about that!!! What a bad way to start out!
So sounds like u did great! lol 🙂 I have a 2 1/2 year old boy and I want to cry just thinking about it! I just started reading ur blog yesterday and I love it! I feel like I have so much to catch up on. Today was surely an Under armour shirt day! My son wore a limegreen one 🙂
So glad you found my blog! Thanks for commenting! I have been dreading the big “K” since mine was 2.5 too! Time just goes too fast!
I am a fairly new reader from Nap Time is the New Happy Hour and I just had to comment on this one! I am practically in tears laughing over this post b/c I totally see myself acting this way when my little one goes off to school and the visual of you standing outside in your driveway waving at nothing is absolutely hilarious! Love your realism 🙂
Thanks for commenting! Love Cheryl for Nap Time is The New Happy Hour! I wish I could say that day 2 equaled less trips to my driveway…but I think I went outside more. Ha!
Oh girl you handled it quite well, I will be a hot mess!!!!!
Lucky you to live that close to P’s school, so nice!!!
Love all of your cute boys in their undr armour! Brody is obsessed! He would fit right in with your boys!
Hope P had a great 1st day and that you didn’t punch anyone 🙂
I made it through the day with no punching! Phew! But, day 2 brought tears. UGH! Next week will surely be easier??
Soooo funny. This post had me cracking up. Hope your little man had a great 1st day…and that you didn’t punch anyone.
I just recently found your blog and I’m loving it 🙂
Thank you Stephanie! No worries, no one got punched! When I picked him up I felt MUCH better!
New reader that just caught you on Melissa’s “Behind the Blog” chat. I think it’s funny that you say you aren’t one of those “sassy” moms, because this post def gives you that sass <– and i mean that in the best way 😀 glad to have found a new blog to follow 🙂
Thanks so much Amanda! Glad to have you as a reader! Appreciate the comment!
I hope P had a great first day! I am dreading next year when my guy goes off to school! I have a feeling that I will act the same way! ps. your outfit is too cute! you should start posting where you find all this cute stuff!!
Thanks so much Katie! I think I got that shirt at Old Navy and the shirts are from Target!
I’m totally with ya about the stressed out moments, and sometimes just wanting to just slap the F outta someone, haha! Sometimes, it just takes thinking about those people who are suffering real serious problems to snap me right back to reality, and just appreciate that my “problem” or sadness isn’t really justified when looking at the bigger picture. I thought I was having a bad day today, and watching this video snapped me right out of that, and I wanted to share it with you, too.
Glad your son was able to break out of his shyness and enjoy his first day of school! Love how colorful your blog is!
So adorable! Weird question…what brand are his shoes? My sons favorite color is orange and he would love those!
Thank you! They are Nikes…just got them at the Nike Outlet last week.
So sweet! I’m a kindergarten teacher and so proud of both of you! Parker- for being so brave and Mommy- for NOT punching anyone in the face 🙂 🙂 You have a beautiful family. Congratulations for making it through the first day of K!
Thank you!! I’m praying it gets easier and easier to drop him off!
You are too funny! The Parker’s Classroom/My Driveway picture is hysterical!
And I’m like you – I think it’s all the hype about crying and maybe seeing other moms upset that makes it so you don’t cry. I can seriously boo-hoo at movies. But when I finally went to the movies with my friends to see Titanic, I set my tissues in my lap waiting for the tears to come – and nada. Not one tear shed! Not that I’m comparing Parker to Leo DiCaprio, but I digress.
Hope P had a great first day! Such a big boy – you must be so proud!
You would think the fact that I can SEE him from my driveway that I would feel better! Ha! Day 2 was actually harder than day 1 because he cried! UGH!
I am cracking up at you standing outside waving at his classroom. That is so something I would do.
holy crow! you DO live close! lol. i just sent my baby to school last week…i am so beyond thrilled. lol. while there are times when he tries to act like the big boy who can’t hold my hand, he knows he needs his mama. and with my husband off playing in the desert, he remembers this more often than he forgets. 🙂 it’s so nice to be kid-free during the day! the only issue i have is i am now free to be at target for as long as i want. i don’t think my bank account can afford 3 target days again this week. ouch.
Haha! I haven’t made a Target trip yet, but I am thinking it’s on my agenda this week. I’m afraid I may spend all day there! Just checked out your blog and I LOVE your photography!
Mandy you sound like me!! I have the hardest time letting them go–even long after they don’t want me anywhere near them! The oldest came home from his first day of high school (no I shouldn’t be anywhere near old enough for this!!!) and I was ready to pounce on him, offer him brownies, ice cream, whatever–and drag out a full description of his day.
It’s terrible!
Hey I was wondering where did you get stencil to paint the chalkboard on your door I thought about trying to hand draw it and then tape with painters tape but it would be kind of hard.
It’s a stick-on from Target!