Many stories exist about the origin of Memorial Day. Did you know that it officially became a holiday in 1868 — at a time when the country still had fresh wounds from the Civil War?
Now, over 100 years later, remembering those lost in combat is as relevant as ever. I’m not a history buff by any means, but I am married to a hero.
Lucky for me, my soldier, who fought for our freedom in 2005/2006 in Baghdad, Iraq, made it back safely from war. Others wh0 fought before and after him…have not been as lucky.
Memorial Day is a day to remember the soldiers who are fighting and have fought for our freedom. It’s a day to remember that these young men and women risk their lives so that we can enjoy freedom. It’s a day to remember that some of these soldiers give their life for our country.
I will never be able to express how proud I am that my husband is one of those men.
He spent 15 months away from his family, in an unfamiliar place, living in bombed out buildings, eating canned ham for Christmas, wearing 45lb body armour in 110 degree weather, patrolling “Airport Road”, securing Prime Minister Allawi, living on a FOB where they were holding Saddam Hussein’s trial, and wondering if he would ever return to the states.
Does that not scream HERO to you?
I can vividly remember Memorial Day 2006. J had just returned home from his tour of duty and he was asked to speak at a Memorial Day Ceremony in a town nearby. I remember listening to his speech. How humble he was. He did not see himself as a hero. He saw himself as someone who was simply just doing his job.
Little did he know that everyone else there….saw him as a hero. I will be forever grateful for what he did during that 15 months. I feel blessed that he made it home in one piece. It may have been the hardest year of my life, but I wouldn’t trade my hero for anything in the world.
Thank you SSG ROSE for serving our country! And thank you to all of the men and women who have done the same!
Thankfully, J has served his time in the National Guard and is now out of the military. If you’ve been reading my blog then you know that he is a CFP (Certified Financial Planner) and is the co-founder of Alliance Investment Planning Firm…a much safer job (which makes me very happy). 🙂
He is also the author of Good Financial Cents, a personal finance blog. If you have the chance today CLICK HERE and vote for my hero’s article….How to be Prepared for a Storm Emergency.
Thanks to your husband and all the others that allow us to be free! So glad he is safe now!
Thanks to your hubby and all of our soldiers!!!!!
A big THANK YOU to your hubs!!
Jenny’s last blog post..The Biggest Loser–Family Edition!
It is impossible to expess how proud we are of Jeff, our new son. You made a great choice Mando. He is a hero, a great dad, a great husband, and I will always be greatful for his service to our country! He’s a keeper! Dad.
Don’t screw it up! Dad
I just wanted to stop by and comment to say thanks to your husband…although I feel like a thanks is barely enough it will have to do. Your husband and those than served can not and are not appreciated enough, without them doing what they do the world would be a very different place. SSG Rose, thank you in more ways than I can say.
Mark Roberts’s last blog post..How to Resolve a Conflict With Your Significant Other [RePost]