I’m currently editing blog posts and photos with MUSIC playing. If you know me at all then you know that this is a huge step for me.
I mean, if I’m EVER doing anything {working, editing, writing, breathing – ha} I need peace and quiet.
I’ve always been jealous of the people who can concentrate with background noise. My husband is one of them. He puts his headphones in his ears when he writes. WHAT??
That is unheard of to me.
I can’t possibly concoct any blog post worthy thoughts with someone singing in my ear.
In fact, I’d probably insert the lyrics to the song in my blog post if I did that.
But I’ve really been wanting to break through this annoying nuisance. Because I LOVE music.
Music can be so relaxing and mood changing. And it beats silence.
I know it seems like such a little thing….but it’s something small I am trying to change in my life.
I’m making HUGE progress. It’s amazing how when you change your mind set…you can do anything you want.
And sometimes it’s nice to focus on the small changes you need to make in your life instead of all the big ones.
Because the big ones are sometimes mountains that are too hard to climb.
But these small little hills? I’m conquering those left and right…and it feels nice.
Do you have small things that you are changing in your life? Do you find it easier to tackle the small changes as opposed to the BIG ones?
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