Top pic: {Brittany, Me, Tonya}
Bottom pic: {Natalie, Carrie, Kate, Raechel, Natalie, Me, Tonya}
I had the amazing opportunity to attend the Influence Conference last weekend.
A network of online women who all have a passion to use their influence to glorify God. It’s truly amazing to see so many women fired up about Jesus.
Even typing this I get teary…just thinking about my time in Indiana and how God orchestrated so many of the relationships that I created there.
Bottom pic: {Tonya, Kathleen, Tawny, Jenny, Ashley, Nina, Me, Natalie}
Sometimes I wonder what my purpose is. What is God wanting to use me for?
Sometimes I think, “WHY would He want to use lil ole me for anything?”
Isn’t it so easy to feel like that. Like you are not worthy enough to be used by God.
And then I quickly remember that God uses us all.
Even ME.
And it’s not about ME. It’s about HIM.
Isn’t it so true that He doesn’t give us gifts without a passion to use them.
Hayley from The Tiny Twig did such a great job talking about that during the conference. Reminding me that my hearts desires are not my own.
They are all things Jesus has placed there.
Top pic: {Accessible Experts Panel}
Jessi from Naptime Diaries spoke to us about walking forward with our eyes on Christ. She broke down a ton of walls for me.
Just watching God use her and all of the Influence team this weekend confirmed to me that we CAN and WILL be used by Him. For His good.
I struggle with believing that I am capable. Even as we prepared to launch Happy Mommy Box last week, my mind kept telling me lies.
“You’re not good enough.”
“People don’t like you.”
“No one will be interested.”
I know they are lies from the enemy. The only person standing in my way of being capable…is me.
{Happy Mommy Box Team – Banner by Banner Envy}
So I’m choosing to believe that I CAN influence. I CAN make a difference. I CAN follow my passions without fear of failing.
Because I’m gonna fail sometimes and that’s ok.
And then there will be LOTS of times when I don’t fail.
Top pic: {Nicole & her cute kids, Carrie}
I use to get so caught up in people’s perceptions of me. I always wanted to say the right thing and do the right thing.
I wanted to be liked. By everyone.
Except…you see…I’m not a people pleaser. Which probably doesn’t make sense to you. You would think that me having the desire to be liked would equate to me being a people pleaser.
But it doesn’t.
God didn’t create me that way. He created me to be honest and raw and transparent.
That’s why sometimes…I share too much. I say the wrong thing. I stumble.
But so many of those times when that happens, I see God use it for His glory.
He’s an awesome God like that. Using my mistakes for His good.
And the biggest thing I notice when I mess up…is that there’s always grace.
Thank God for grace.
I could go on and on about the people I met at Influence. Oh, the PEOPLE.
Y’all, they were amazing. Every single one of them.
I have no doubt that the ones I met and created deep conversations with were by no accident.
{Me, Nicole, Natalie} —>MUST CHECK OUT Nicole’s mission called Two Little Fish
It all has purpose.
I also felt like God used this conference as a reminder for me to surround myself with people who are using their influence for good. To learn from them, dream with them, and to be influenced by them.
I cried when I watched the video of the Sole Hope team helping children in Africa {read about what they do HERE}. I sobbed actually.
And I heard God whisper…“You can help…”
So often when I watch people who do big things, like move to Africa and follow their dream of changing the world {like Asher from Sole Hope}, I think….
…”That could never be me…”
But finally. Finally I heard God say.
“It can.”
I don’t know what that looks like for me yet. But that’s the wonderful thing about faith…I don’t need to. I’m faithfully believing and trusting that God will use me how He wants to.
I know I’m getting all serious on y’all. Sorry about that. Or not sorry.
I’ll leave you with my favorite photo from the conference.
Three bloggers, one bed…and jealous husbands that said things like…
“I bet they’re on a Google hangout with each other…” to “I wonder who’s getting hot boxed first…”
What about you, do you choose to surround yourself with people who use their influence for good?
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Love your recap, Mandy. You’re doing awesome things and I know that God is going to use that desire in your heart to make much of him while encouraging other mamas.
I’ve been so fortunate to be surrounded by dear friends in my community here who love the Lord and who make it possible to be honest and vulnerable. And, as the years have gone on, I’ve found the same thing in the blogging world. It’s changed a lot since we first started, but it’s fun to be introduced to so many new, encouraging, life-giving women who love the Lord.
Thank you so much Erin for your encouragement! I always love your heart for the Lord and can tell you are so great at listening to Him. So glad we got to spend time together at Influence! XOXO
Loved reading your conference re cap! Wish I could have been there this year, but so looking forward to next year hopefully. Jesus and blogging, what could be better?! Sounds like you learned a lot. Thanks for sharing it with us. 🙂
Yes Andrea!! You definitely should go next year…it was so different than any conference I’ve ever attended! I hope to meet you there!
Thanks for sharing so honestly. As someone who is just starting out on the road of blogging, I found so much encouragement. I have wrestled with self-doubt , especially when it comes to sharing through my writing. Am I qualified to share? Will anyone read? Is this really what God wants me to do with my time? But I loved the message on the “Your Father does not:” poster. I’ve decided to make it a goal to attend the conference next year and look forward to meeting other women on the same journey!
That slide was so helpful for me too. It’s so easy to compare ourselves to others {guilty as charge}, but the entire conference was so refreshing and a good reminder to keep our eyes on Jesus!
Thank you so much for this recap Mandy! I loved following along on this journey via IG last weekend. I wanted so badly to be there and experience this powerful group of women. It is so difficult to remember that each one of us is enough. I try so hard to be what I want to be, rather than to be still and discover what God wants me to be. Thanks for this reminder to keep walking forward with my eyes on Him. Blessings. Susan
I would love to meet you Susan! You should come next year!!
The Influence Conference blew me away! And the icing on the cake was meeting fabulous friends like you!
I adore you Jenny! Thank you for being so sweet! So glad we got to hang out and become friends!
I am SO thankful for you and your influence, Mandy! You have touched my life is so, so many ways the past two years. I already have my ticket for next year and pray more than anything that we’ll have the chance to hug! Thank you for being so honest and transparent! I love your heart for the Lord!
YAY!!! I am so happy we may finally meet in person! Woo-hoo! You will love it Kenz!
So grateful to have met you & the rest of the crew at Influence! So excited to see the BIG things He has in store for you! xoxo
So great meeting you too Natalie! You are the sweetest!
Mandy, So glad you had such a great time. I loved following you and some of the others who where there. I’m seriously praying that I can get to something like that this next year. Don’t believe the doubt. Keep on putting your faith in Jesus, you have a further and bigger reach than you will ever know.
Yes Ashley! I hope you can go too…it’s really a great experience! I would love to meet you!
I loved reading your re-cap, I just went to my very first blog conference and came back with so much knowledge, it’s crazy! The idea of influencing others and having a positive impact on them through my blog has been weighing heavy on my heart. This is mainly because I’ve seen so many bloggers lately who have cut other bloggers down for their ideas in one way or another, usually trying to be “sly” about it… and it just upsets me because I don’t think they realize that what they say is usually seen by that other person. Anyways, I don’t ever want to be that blogger… I want people to leave my blog and feel encouraged and uplifted, I want them to know that even though I don’t always agree with other bloggers, you won’t find me cutting them down or belittling them. Thanks for sharing your influence and passions!! It’s been a pleasure to read your blog over the past few months! 🙂
This conference is definitely all about uplifting each other! The ugly stuff on the internet does go on, but I just choose to try and block it out. And this network of women are so beyond that…which was so encouraging!!
Influence was amazing! Many Jesus tears were shed. The Lord was very present the entire time. I’m so glad I was able to attend last minute, and I’m so glad I got to make friends and be a part of such an amazing community of women. I’m so excited for next year!, friend!
Tawny…you are the sweetest and I am so glad we had the chance to meet and hang out! Can’t wait to see what God has in store for you!!