Lots to share!! If you saw my tweet…you already heard…
WE HAVE AN OFFER ON OUR HOUSE! I am trying not to get too excited, because we all know how that can turn out…
…but really…I’m not gonna lie…I’m pretty dang excited! I pray it all works out this time.
The buyers don’t need to be in right away so they are willing to let us rent back from them and stay in the house until our new house is done! How fantastic would that be if it worked out?
And since we are on the topic of houses…I figured it was time for a new house update! The crane was here this week and they set trusses. It really is starting to look like a house! Of course I had to pose with Bentley and the crane.
Here are a few pics from across the pond (these are pictures of the back of the house).
The goal is to be in by January and so far we are on track…I think. I hope. 🙂
I am very happy with our contractor so far. He is super easy to work with and keeps my stress level down.
Plus…how funny are they guys…gotta get a wave in while the camera’s out! They probably think I am the crazy prego camera lady.
It is really coming along!!!! Looks like it is going to be soo nice!!
Yay for the offer!! Hope it works out!!!
Your house looks huge!! Yeah! Praying for your offer to go through!
.-= Jenny from Lucky in Love´s last blog ..A Million Thanks! =-.
Can’t wait to see finished pictures! good luck with the offer!!!
.-= Sarah´s last blog ..Baby Stats =-.