Something profoundly wonderful happened this week regarding our adoption. Something that made me pull over as I was driving to finish reading an email from our adoption agency and sob in my car.
You see, this little thing called adoption, can sometimes be a roller coaster ride. One minute you get wonderful news and the next you feel like puking. I’m always hesitant to open emails from our agency…in fear that whatever it says could alter the journey we are on and not to my liking.
A few weeks ago we got word from ICAB {the Philippines government} that they had received our application. Woo-to-the-hoo….right?!
Or so we thought.
Unfortunately, their response was not exactly as I’d hoped. The Philippines has a “2 year nurturing period” for your youngest child. What that means is that your youngest child MUST be 2 years old before you receive a referral.
We knew that. Being the fact that we started this process before SJ was even 1, we had extensive talks about this with our adoption counselor.
She had assured us that as long as SJ was 2 by the time we got our referral {which he would be with the placement time being so long in the Philippines} then we were fine to go ahead and apply.
But, instead of ICAB sending out a response that they had received our application and would begin to review it….they responded with something much different.
They told us that our application would be on “hold” until SJ turned 2.
Seven months from now.
Meaning that we would not be allowed on the wait list until he was 2.
I spent a few days in disbelief. I honestly didn’t want to feel disappointed without getting clarification from them. By the way, getting clarification from a foreign government is not that easy. It’s not like you can call them up and say, “Hey, is this a mistake?”
I ask my adoption counselor to email ICAB and ask them if this was a new rule or if, by some lucky chance, was a mistake. I thought it was a long shot; especially since the original email came from the head of the ICAB board.
I got prayer at our Wednesday night small group discipleship community last week and we prayed 2 things:
1. That God would miraculously change the time line and make it possible for the Philippines to begin reviewing our application immediately.
2. That He would make this extra time something that seemed insignificant to me and that He would use it as a time for me to grow more in my faith.
Our counselor had sent the email and I hadn’t heard any news from her. I didn’t expect to since getting answers in international adoption is never a short process. But, Monday came {the following Monday after we prayed about it}, and we got the best news I had received since this process started over 11 months ago.
All her email read was:
“WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
{And this is when I pulled my car over to cry happy tears.}
I continued on and it was a forward from ICAB that said:
“Considering the actual waiting period for child allocation/placement and the age of the Rose’s youngest child will be two years before they will be placed with a child, the family’s adoption application is now under process.”
This means that the seven extra months that I was almost certain this would set us back? Vanished before my eyes!
All I can think is that God is working his magic! It’s not official yet…but we are on the road to “officially” being on the wait list!
Have you ever prayed for something and seen it come true?
This was just another confirmation for me that anything is possible with God if you have faith.
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For we are God’s handiwork, recreated in Christ Jesus, that we may do those good works which God predestined for us , that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10
This gave me chills! God works in wonderful ways! I am so happy for your family!!
Thank you Kate! It’s truly amazing to see what God can do when we just ask!
Awesome news Mandy! I have seen too many prayers to count. I have even had prayers answered in ways that were not originally what I wanted and ended up being for the best.
What wonderful, amazing news! Prayer really does work! I don’t know you, but I am so excited for you right now, because God answered such an important prayer and need for your family. All things work together for the good of those who love and serve him 🙂
That is wonderful! Congratulations!
Wonderful news! Praise God!
This is great news! God does miraculous things! I’ve seen it in my own life. Praying for you guys!
What awesome news! It gave me chills too. Congrats!
That’s awesome-I started keeping a prayer journal a few months ago. IT’s amazing to look back and see the way the Lord has answered and thankfully not answered some of those prayers. Sometimes even just one day to the next!
Yay yay yay!! Yes, we have had God answer huge prayers and answer prayers in different ways than we had asked but knew it was Him! 🙂 Hugs, we are so excited for y’all!!
OMG Mandy what amazing news! I had been praying that you guys would get good news and YAY!
PTL! I’m so happy for you guys!
Hello! I am new to your blog and just started following today. I am loving all your DIY and ofcourse the home tour but I am looking forward to following your adoption story! What a perfect time to start following too with you announcing such great news today! CONGRATS!!
Awesome news! So happy for you guys!
That is fantastic! I am so happy for you! God is working to make it happen that a child will have you in their lives. God Bless the Rose family!
Yay!! That is fantastic news!! So, so happy for you guys!!
God is great & His plan for this adoption is perfect….remember that! 🙂
That’s wonderful! I’ve absolutely seen God answer prayers in my own life and in other people’s and it’s just so amazing! So excited for you guys!
Random, but when does he turn 2? Landon turns 2 in about 7 months as well and I’m just wondering if they have close birthdays 🙂
That is great news. So happy for you and your family!
God is SO good!! This is so exciting!!
Congrats on the great news!! So excited for you guys!!
That’s great news! Congrats, and here’s to continued miracles and good news!
What wonderful news! God has great things in store for you and your family! Praying for y’all!
What wonderful news! God works in amazing ways.
I’m tearing up! Oh, Mandy! I’m so, so, SO happy for y’all! God is SO good! Still praying, praying, praying!
😀 So happy to hear! Praying for you guys!