If your like me, you’ve probably tried every sippy cup known to man. I think I have thrown out at least 8 sippy cups that, at one time or another, leaked all over my carpet.
I have three children. I don’t have time to shampoo my carpet every time my kid takes his sippy cup out of the kitchen.
I just recently tried the NEW Gerber Graduates Ultimate Insulated Tumblers…and I think they are my new fav! Odiz Baby Supply graciously sent me the sports collection and the boys LOVE em!
ODIZ sells all kinds of baby supplies, you can check them out HERE! The business is owned and run by women. Holla! Who doesn’t love to support other women, right? The owner has 3 children (another reason I love her) and only sells items that she would use with HER kids. This means no BPA, and only high quality, safe products. Many products are also earth friendly/green. Because it is a small owner operated business the customer service is fantastic! You can always call or email about products you’d like to see ODIZ carry, about placing special orders, or to ask questions, and ODIZ will do whatever they can to help you. They also get to carry specialty items and often have products before larger chain stores. Just a few reasons why I am digging ODIZ!
P chose the baseball one
Bents chose soccer
I guess that means SJ will get the football one
They are “leak proof”, “spill proof”, AND “break proof”!
I love that we don’t have to get confused now on who’s sippy cup is who’s. Do you guys know what I mean? We’ve had knock down drag out fights over sippy cups. Now that they each have their own “sport”, no one complains. P is happy with his baseball cup and Bents loves his soccer cup. Finally, something they DON’T fight about!
Plus, these sippy’s came at the perfect time for me. Bents is so excited about his “soccer” cup that it highly distracts him from needing his bottle!
If you are interested in trying out one of these fantastic sippy cups…leave a comment on this post telling me what your child’s favorite sport is! I’ll pick a winner on Monday, October 3rd and BAM you could try out your own! Pretty easy, huh?
If your like me, and LOVE to shop for baby supplies WHILE supporting a fellow working mother (and getting a good deal), ODIZ is offering a 10% discount to my readers! Either click on this link and the discount will already be applied to your cart or enter HOUSEOFROSE at checkout! Offer will be good through October 31, 2011!
For an extra entry “like” their facebook page and then let me know you checked it out! Once they get 50 new “likes” they are going to do another giveaway!
*They do also have “girly” styles, but they are not up on the ODIZ website yet because they are new. If you win and you have a girl you are welcome to choose from the girly designs!
exclude me from the contest because I don’t need a sippy (youngest is 7) but I *love* the concept. I know exactly what you mean. Since we moved into the new house, I have a strict NO FOOD IN THE FAMILY ROOM OR UPSTAIRS because of the carpet.
Baseball is the favorite sport at our house! And I could sure use one for my son does not understand the concept of keeping the food and drinks in the kitchen and I find that he sneaks them all over the house. Plus, he is allowed a cup of water in his bed for nap and bedtime I really dislike having to change wet bed sheets due to cup leakage at 2 in the morning!
I would have to say my son’s favorite sport right now is baseball. He loves playing in the backyard! These cups look great and I would love to try a new cup!!!
I liked their facebook page!:)
I LIKED their facebook page too.
Shoot! do they have girlie ones? I think you should pick me b/c the 3rd is my wedding anniversary and while this wouldn’t make a great anniversary present it would be cool to win something on my anni. just sayin
These cups would be perfect for my little man. He would love the soccer one! Thanks for introducing this great product!
I think you are hot. Love you babe!
Soccer cup please!!
We are a soccer family all The way!!!!
Sports are huge in our home. My son is too old for sippies but I know our daughter would love a baseball sippy:) One that is spill-proof is a must. Her favorite Elmo cup is starting to leave dribbles all over whenever she sets it down.
I would love to try one of these sippy cups. My son is 3 and always spill his cup on the carpet. He loves baseball so I guess the baseball cup would would be lovely. Thanks!
Love these cups Mandy. Molly would love a baseball one. You know how all us SIU girls are.
Liked their facebook page too.
We would love the football sippy!! =)
I also liked their page!
BOOM…we love the baseball one…though I prefer to call it the “softball” one
Baseball all the way!
I liked their facebook page.
I’m going to say soccer because the kiddos are half brazilian
But if we win i’ll let claire choose a “girly” design.
i ‘liked’ their facebook page.
my son loves football..great giveaway
Football for us please!
I am glad you found something to distract Bentley!
I’m all about trying out new sippy cups!! These are so cute!
I would go for the football one for Brody!
These cups look so awesome!!! Football for us please!!! TX
These cups look great! Football is the favorite sport in our house!
baseball! My son is 8 months old & im trying to find that perfect cup that he will actually drink out of that wont spill so Id LOVE to try one of these out!
Liked their facebook page!
More power to women entrepreneurs. I will always give you my support. I like the sporty designs the sippy cups have. My little boy would love to have a drink on his foot ball designed sippy cup. I had liked this page on facebook. Thank you for hosting such an amazing contest.
Hmm, since he’s only 4 months he doesn’t have a favorite sport, but I’m going to go ahead and say baseball (hmm or football). It’s a ways off but these would be good to have when the time does come!
I liked their page on facebook.
My son loves soccer! And he loves the color blue so that one would be perfect for him!
I liked their Facebook page
My boys love every sport. G plays soccer but can’t wait till he get bigger and can play football and baseball.
Football is the favorite sport at my house
I also have problems with leaky sippy cups. Drives me crazy!
I liked the facebook page
My son would LOVE the football one..He likes to do the same things as his daddy..so football is one of his favs!
***please exclude me from the contest please****
But I’d like to know if they have ice hockey ones??? That’s the only sport we like in this house!!! Please email me if you can find out
Our fave sport is soccer. What else?
We are German. If you choose to pick Jonas, we do have relatives in the USA 
Also liked the Facebook page.
xox Fran
My household loves baseball!!! My son is almost 3, but I am still hunting for the “perfect” sippy cup!
My 5 year old’s favorite sport is gymnastics, my 3 year old loves basketball and my 2 year old loves carrying balls around.
And I am always on the hunt for good sippy cups. I’d love to enter the contest! 
I have been able to find these in the football and Baseball for my 2 year old and he loves them. I keep trying to find the soccerball but have not. I love that he has to throw it alot of times before it will leak. It takes his abuse.