I am so behind on blogging. I guess I have had a pretty good excuse for the last 2 weeks. Hand surgery and blogging don’t exactly go together. Actually, hand surgery and just about anything don’t go together.
I wouldn’t recommend it. 🙂
Luckily, my finger is healing amazingly well and I am able to function with 2 hands again! Which also means…I can now change poopy diapers again. Darn! That may have been the only part of my one-handed days that I enjoyed.
Right before my surgery, a certain little “almost” four year old graduated K-3!
Can you see the excitement?
See the kid sitting next to him? Let me introduce you to Charlie. You see, Charlie is the little boy that was doing P Man’s schoolwork for him for a good 3 weeks.
Thanks Charlie. For a split second I almost thought P really knew how to write his name.
In all reality, P doesn’t know how to write his name. But, Charlie sure is good at it.
It’s okay though. He still has one more year of Pre-K before he goes to real school. He has time. And Charlie will be off to Kindergarten this year so I won’t have to worry about P trying to outsource his homework. Atleast not to Charlie.
The teacher passed out certificates to all the kids and of course, P wouldn’t even walk up and get his. With all the parents in the room watching, he was too shy. Something he is definitely NOT when he is at home.
He was, however, a little more emotional about the kit-kat’s he got. I can almost see a smile brewing. Almost.
Get him out of a room full of people….and wham…smiles all over the place.
It won’t be long and this little guy will be graduating pre-k too! Time is flying!
Great pics of your precious family! Loved your post to your “baby daddy” too ;-). xoxo
I so enjoyed your blog today. My children, now grown, were very shy in public places, and often very animated at home. At times, I used to wish they would share their energy in both places and not just on me at home.
The story of Charlie doing your son’s homework is adorable. I wonder which one of them thought of the idea. How did you find out the truth?
Again, great blog that brings back sweet memories.
Love your blog, your boys are soooo cute! Funny that it looks like your boob is half exposed!? Is that the babies head?
Originally from St. Charles, IL
Love love love love this. Such aspiring children you have…well duh, look at their parents 🙂
Time sure is flying! I’ve been following your blog since you were pregnant with B- I was pregnant at the same time.
Congrats on your new little man, and congrats to P!
(and Kit Kats ARE pretty exciting…)