Many of you asked me where I got the canvas print for Courtney and Brett.
I have ordered from a few different places…but I got Courtney and Brett’s HERE. The quality is just as good as others I have ordered and the price is amazing. The one I ordered for them was a 24×36 print and I paid around $150. If you have looked around at canvas print prices….you won’t find a better deal.
Make sure you get the GALLERY WRAP style. It comes with the 1 1/2″ thick wrap.
Let’s just put it this way…BEFORE I FOUND THIS WEBSITE…I ordered a 24×30 print gallery wrap (from another website) and paid $375. Honestly…Courtney’s was just as good quality as the one I paid $375 for.
You do not have to have a release from the photographer for this website either. You can just upload the photo and your good to go!
Happy canvas print shopping.
That was an amazing gift! Thanks for the info.
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