I’m super excited to be guest posting over at Pinterest Told Me To today.
Scheaffer is the author of Pinterest Told Me To and she is a style genius…not to mention she’s adorable.
Her blog is created around pinning outfit inspirations and then recreating them {you can follow her Pinterest style boards HERE}. I must admit, when she asked me to guest post…I was thinking “I’m no style expert”…
But lately I’ve been having a lot more fun with fashion and outfits. I’ve been going out of my comfort zone a little…and tons of her posts have inspired me to “go for it” when it comes to color or pattern combos.
And today I might just be talking about how I have a new love for bright pink lipstick. Not sure…you”ll have to CLICK OVER to find out.
I originally found her blog through my friend Shay’s blog…and the two of them do shopping trips together and then post about their finds. It’s such a huge help if you are looking for fashion advice. I’m seriously trying to figure out how I can accompany them on one of their trips.
Girls…PLEASE invite me next time. I can fly to Dallas.
I love that Scheaffer is a style diva…and she knows that leggings are not pants. AND… I adore that she has a crazy love for stripes just like me.
Because you know I love stripes.
And polka dots.
And chevron.
Head on over to Pinterest Told Me To to see what’s been inspiring my wardrobe lately!
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Hi Mandy, I recently found your blog and just wanted to tell you I loved it! I just watched some of your videos, loved the Harlem Shake and love how your personality shines through your blog! Very fun stuff.
I was so excited to see two of my favorite bloggers teaming up together! And by the way…I live for pink lips. Once you go pink, you’ll never go back :).
Mandy, you know you have an OPEN INVTITATION. If you ever find yourself in Dallas, Shay and I will meet you at the mall for shopping, tacos, and starbucks!!!!
Thanks again for guest posting today. I know my readers are going to love you!
Sheaffer 🙂
I love your Style! Off to check out your post!
I think I have a new blog to read in my future!