This past Saturday was P’s last soccer game of the season. I am so proud of him! He started the season off by crying and not wanting to step foot on the field. By the last game he was excited and running around chasing the ball. He came a LONG way! It was fun to watch him!
They all got a trophy with their name on it! He thought it was the best thing ever!
After soccer we helped some of our good friends move in to their new house! If you know me, then you know I love to organize and get things in “order” so moving doesn’t bother me much. I think I had way too much fun organizing Kelly’s kitchen. Sometimes I think being type A is a sickness. For real. And I am pretty sure the Webb’s thought I was a nutso. 🙂
Kelly kept wondering why I was so IN TO packing. I tried to remind her that The Container Store…is my happy place. Enough said.
Their house turned out AWESOME! I can remember before they started building and Kelly was telling me that she was bad at decorating and just terrified to have to pick out everything for the new house. Take a look at their bedroom…and I think you will see that she is FAR from being a bad decorator!
I’m in love with this wall! Plus, the floors….TO DIE FOR! They really did a fabulous job on “attention to detail”. I’m hoping she will take her blog off private and post LOTS of pics for you guys to see (I’ll work on convincing her)! hint hint.
My husband, God love him (you all know that you can preface anything with “God love him” and it instantly makes it a non-mean comment right?), typically likes to “outsource” things. Seriously. He would outsource taking out the trash if I would let him. So, when he had to do some manual labor…he was slightly wore out. Ha!
Kelly found him napping in the old living room floor. Sneaky sneaky.
However, he is doing a Crossfit handstand challenge and he made sure to get his handstand hold done in the U-Haul. Nice.
Sometimes that man cracks me up. I should give him more credit than I am because he did help Tom move a 650 pound gun safe. YIKES!
I’ll leave you with this cute little picture of SJ. It’s a little blurry, but his smile was just too cute not to post.
Happy Monday!
Loving Kelly’s bedroom! That brick wall is amazing! So glad that Parker ended up loving soccer! I bet he is so proud of his little trophy! Too cute! And I’m not the least bit surprised by the U-Haul handstand…your husband is crazy girl!
LOVE to organize, and even more so when it’s not my own stuff! What a good friend you are for helping out…moving is so overwhelming & I bet your friend appreciated you! Want to come help me move soon??? 😉 xoxo
dang! that wall is so cool! i’d love to have a brick wall in my bedroom…or any room for that matter!
you are amazing that you organized her kitchen! that is one of the most difficult things when you move because you really have to think through the flow of it all. my mom and sister did mine when we moved in our house and it was so awesome not to have to think of it and just get it all in and unpacked.
i love to unpack, but my problem is i want it all done right away. when we move, you won’t see boxes around 2 weeks later. no, it’ll all be done in a weekend if i have it my way. 🙂