I sometimes forget that my family started out with my first baby….Miss Klaya. People warned me that my life would change when the “new” baby came along and I would no longer look at Miss K as my baby and instead…see her for what she really is…a dog. Well, I must say that I have yet to let that happen to my little klay klay. Don’t get me wrong, she has definitely stepped down from the #1 spot, but I wouldn’t be a very good mother if I liked my dog better than my child right? J and I have desperately tried to make K feel like she is still very much part of our family. Infact, instead of kicking her to the curb, like some families do when new babies arrive, she has become P’s best buddy. They are very cute together and I am pretty sure the two of them adore eachother. And if your wondering, she slept in the bed with us BP (before P) and…YES…she is still our nightly cuddle buddy!
I have a soft spot in my heart for dogs. Not sure where I get it, but I have always been a huge dog lover! I always say if I had the money and the resources I would rescue as many dogs as I could possibly handle. J isn’t too thrilled about turning our house into a dog shelter so that idea hasn’t become reality, but maybe one day I will have a part in supporting abused and neglected dogs. For now, all I can do is donate to organizations that do take on this role. Back in college I worked with a lady that introduced me to “Boxer Rescue“. Northeastern Boxer Rescue is a non-profit organization which is an all-volunteer effort to rescue, rehabilitate, and re-home unwanted and abandoned boxer dogs. If any of you out there are dog lovers like me, your heart will melt when you read the stories of the boxers that this organization rescues. They are truly amazing people and I am sooo thankful that there are people in this world that are making a difference for these animals. Please check it out there site and if you have the means…GIVE GIVE GIVE!
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