You know what’s so cool about blogging?
It’s that YOU can blog about recipes, diy projects, home decor, fashion, adoption, parenting, security guard training, bunnies or race cars…and it works.
Well, the security guard training, bunnies and race cars don’t work for me.
But they work for others.
It’s the beauty of the online world. You can talk about anything you want and there WILL BE people out there who are interested in reading it.
Creating an Audience
You find people who have the same hobby & passions as you {who knew multiple people had a thing for bunnies – not me – but there are people out there that do}.
It’s an amazing place to share your creativity and to have an outlet for things that mean something to you. It’s a way to connect with people who share in your same creativity.
And for me, blogging has become so much more than just a creative outlet.
Building a Community
It’s become a place where you connect with other moms or women {or security guards & bunny lovers <<ahem>>}.
A place to share stories and compare “box-notes” and love on one another. A place that seeds love and encouragement and joy.
A place, that frankly, keeps me from going looney on some days.
It’s just amazing the endless possibilities that come with blogging.
Knowing Your Goals
Is your goal to find other like-minded women? Is it to get your small boutique in the eyes of many? Is it to share about your faith?
Is it to teach? Is it to gain community? Is it to share your amazing organizational tips? Is it to encourage others to become artists?
Is it to spread the word about poverty? Or hunger?
Or is it an online baby book? Or a place to remember your children when they were small?
Whatever it is.
Whatever you are blogging about.
Someone…somewhere is reading.
Making a Change
Isn’t it amazing to think that you have the platform and audience {whether it be 5 people or 500,000 people} to make a difference?
All you have to do is START.
This is one of my favorite quotes about blogging from Darren Rowse of Problogger.
“If you have just one reader and your blog changes their life, your blog is enough”
If you are looking for an outlet like this…one where you can express your creativity, share your heart, spread joy and experience a change…then you need to START NOW.
Stop letting fear define you. You will be rejected. Rejection is constant, but it’s also just an opinion. If you let fear of rejection run your life? You are rejecting yourself.
Remember: Everything BIG, started as something small.
When I went to Pittsburgh to visit my blog friend, Natalie, {yes…online friendships CAN become offline friendships} we filmed a little vlog that we like to call our “pep talk” to YOU.
You have the power to influence. You have the power to make a difference.
Here is a list of resources that will help you get started:
- Start a Blog in Four Easy Steps
- Tips to Get Your Blog Rolling
- Blogging Resources
- 24 Tools to Grow Your Blog Through the Roof
So, who’s ready to make it happen?
Start a blog. Grow your blog. Make a difference. Experience a change.
If you like this post we would love for you to share it on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest so that others may be inspired or encouraged to get started too! You can share by clicking the left sidebar social media icons. Thanks!
If you haven’t been convinced yet {that starting a blog can rock your socks off} then check out Natalie’s post today over at The Busy Budgeting Mama.
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These are great tips! I love my blogging community too!
Thanks Stacey!
You two are the cutest! What a sweet video! I love that you’re both so passionate about encouraging others to find their “thing.” (Even if it is bunnies or security guards… 😉 Hope you’re having a wonderful week, Miss Mandy!
~Abby =)
Awww, thanks Abby! Appreciate your encouragement!
Ahhhh love this post! I started a blog but haven’t done much with it because I’m not sure what direction I’m going with it. This post was inspiration to me though! I’m hoping to get back into it and make it as awesome as yours one day! Thanks Mandy!
Awesome Desiree! I am glad it was helpful!!
i enjoyed this post! You are so right! Something big does start 0ut small! Right now I am itty bitty but some day my blog will be more!! Thanks for the encouragment!
I always remind myself of that especially when I start comparing my blog to way bigger blogs. They all started as something little! 🙂
Love this post! I so needed all this info’ you two are my favorite bloggers. Thanks for being so real and so honest!
Ps are you on bloglovin’!? I’m trying to download all my favs!!
Thanks Samantha!! Yes, I am on Bloglovin’…
Mandy, you have no idea how much this post means to me!! I’ve been whining to hubby about my desire to start a blog for a LONNNNG time, but haven’t been brave enough to bite the bullet! I’m sure there are countless others out there like me who just needed that little push to get them to the starting gate. Thanks so much for inspiring me every week, and for taking time out of your busy schedule to mentor us chickens to chase our dreams!
That’s awesome Shannon! So glad it gave you a little inspiration…I love to get feedback like this! It truly is what keeps me writing and vlogging. I hope you get started soon!!
I love the video! So cute! I had wanted to start a blog for four years and never did it. I stumbled upon your blog and it inspired me to get going…finally. I am so glad I did, I really enjoy blogging and am having a great time doing it!
And you are doing fantastic lady!! So proud of you!!
Okay Mandy! Have u been reading my mind?? 🙂 I have been saying to my husband for soo long that I want to start a blog but have been nervous/scared. Do u have time to answer a couple of questions if I emailed you? No worries if you don’t…. I have 2 lil’ ones of my own that keep me busy. Thx and lotsa love!!
Hey Kendra!! You didn’t know I was a mind reader? That’s in my bio! LOL! Kidding! I don’t do any type of consulting {just from a time stand point}, but I may be able to point you to some helpful articles?? 🙂
Thanks for the tips and inspiration! I love reading your blog 🙂
Thanks Lisa!
I just wanted to Thank You. I have been reading blogs for years and have always wanted to start one. This post was the push I needed to kick that negative voice in my head to the curb!!
That’s awesome Jennifer! So glad you found in useful!!
Thank you for posting this! I am very thankful to see why other woman have started their blogs & I am looking forward to hopefully creating some friendships out of this great journey.