P loved the water this summer…thank god…because just about every weekend we were either on my parent’s boat or at the Sprehe’s pool! Here he is showing Kiki and Frosty his swimming skills. At the beginning of the summer I tried to get him to float in one of those baby rafts…he wanted no part of it! All he wanted was to have the swimmer wings on…and man can he kick his feet! He even knows how to move his arms. I have a video of him swimming and if Icould ever figure out how to upload it on here I will.
Here is a picture of him and Gigi swimming at the lake! He loves loves loves to hang with Gigi at the lake!
I thought these were cute pictures for a tribute to the end of summer. 🙁
P is so freaking cute I can hardly stand it! I can’t wait to see him. Only 1 more month until we head down to So IL!!!
Bye Bye summer…hello my favorite season…FALL!!!