On Wednesday we will be celebrating SJ’s FIRST birthday (I bet you can guess what my Stop and Smell the Roses vlog will be about)! ๐
I can’t even wrap my brain around it. Honestly.
ONE. Really?
How is it possible that my baby boy is ONE?
I thought it would be fun to do a little comparison of all the boys at age 1.
Almost every day I hear…“All your boys look exactly alike.”
And while I absolutely love that they do all look very similar…I think these pictures will show you that they each have their own individual look as well.
We shall start with P MAN…
Shirtless. Of course. The nakedness started young with him. When I went back through my photos of him…I realized that over 50% of them were pictures of him not wearing clothes. ย Funny how things never change.
I would say that P and SJ look the most alike. They have VERY similar features.
And then there is Bents…
I, personally, think that Bents looks the most like his daddy. He has his very own little look.
More Philippino style. The slanted eyes, flatter nose, and the coarse hair.
ย His facial expressions and J’s facial expressions…identical.
Let’s not forget SJ…
He is a good toss up of the two, but definitely favors P’s features.ย
He is actually the smallest of the three. I call him my “little peanut”, but he is finally getting some chunk on him and I love it!
I think it is safe to say that they all look like daddy in some way. I really don’t take offense to that. I actually think my hubby is rather hot. Not to mention that he has amazing skin (jealous). I feel blessed to have three little mini Jeff’s in my life.
So what do you think?
Do you think they all look alike or different?
I’m curious!
I agree with you, although Bents favors the other 2, he definitely has a look all his own! Parker & SJ look the most alike, but I think out of all 3 of your boys, SJ favors you the most! I can definitely see a little Mandy in that sweet face! ๐ Can’t believe he is gonna be ONE!!! What the what?!
I definitely think Bents is his own man…and a TOTAL clone of daddy ๐ But seriously…they are all equally ADORABLE!!
I agree with you. I think P and SJ look the most alike but they each certainly have their own look. SJ looks the most like you out of the three and Bents is your husband made over.
I totally agree w/ Lynsey…word for word! SJ looks like his momma quite a bit too!
Either way, all three are ABSOLUTELY handsome! Gezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz……… can you imagine when they’re all teenagers together! Get ready, little momma! ๐
And how did I freaking miss SJ’s birthday?!?!? Happy FIRST b-day, sweet, precious, little man!!
I completely agree with you, P and Sj look so much alike. All 3 are absolutely precious! Being a new boy Momma after having a girl, I have to say I love it! There is something so sweet about little boys. You are blessed times three!
I agree with everyone else. They all look alike, but they each look like their own. I think that SJ resembles Bents most, but has P’s eyes. Can’t wait to see how baby#4 will look like since they will be coming from the Philippines. I definitely think the baby will fit right in with your kids. You can definitely see that there is another ethnicity in the boys. Who are so very handsome.
I guess it is just me, but I think SJ looks more like you than than P and Bents.
All I can say is your boys are the CUTEST. Ah, for real. I wish I lived near y’all SO stinkin’ bad!
Personally, they each look so different! Parker is a mix of you and Jeff, Bentley looks just indentical Jeff, and I see so much of you in petite little SJ. : )
LOL, glad I butchered just about every word typed in that comment…You get the picture. : ) Yikes, bedtime for Kenz!
I do think the boys all look like Jeff! But SJ looks like you, too. They have their own looks, too, but you can definitely tell they’re brothers!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the comparison pics. They are all three TOO handsome for words ๐ you guys are going to have your hands full keeping the girls away!!! Ella and Parker are do close in age, they need to have a date ASAP!!!!