A few weeks ago my husband and I took a big step in our faith! I have been wanting to get baptized for quite some time now, but never had the discipline or courage to do it. Our church is rather large (1,500 + people) and so I was nervous.
I didn’t grow up in church and proclaiming my love and obedience in front of the ENTIRE audotorium had me shaking in my knees! I am usually an outgoing, non-nervous, sorta loud…kind of chick, but THIS….had me SO SCARED!
I always viewed church and God as “boring“. I had tried to attend a few different churches throughout the years, but honestly, I could never get in to any of them. I would dread getting up and “having” to go to church. It was worse than a college class for me. If loving God was so right, then why was it so darn dreadful? It wasn’t until my husband and I visited The Vine, just over 4.5 years ago, that I realized God is real and church can be exciting.
I realized that God’s presence CAN be felt. He isn’t just a “made up” idol. He is REAL! I am so thankful for The Vine. We are by no means perfect. We sin. We make mistakes. But, now we live with the power of forgiveness. Do you know how freeing that is?
I remember walking in to The Vine for the first time and watching people worship with their hands raised in the air, thinking “holy h***, what is going on in here??” I remember thinking how “weird” those people were. How uncomfortable I felt. Not to mention that they administererd HANDS ON prayer. Even weirder.
It’s amazing how far we have come! We are now the “weird” ones. The ones who raise their hands in worship. The ones who aren’t afraid of what others are going to think of them during worship.
After attending our church’s summer conference, I knew I couldn’t run any longer. For the first time, I was READY to do it! I was ready to be baptized! It doesn’t mean I wasn’t still scared. I was! SCARED BUT WILLING became my new motto!
My husband had been baptized as a young child, but felt like it was something he just did, because his dad had him do it. That’s when he decided he would do it with me!
I can’t tell you how awesome it was to share the experience of getting baptized with him. For us both to show our obedience to Him. It was amazing!
I love my husband. He is seriously becoming such an amazing spiritual leader in our family. Not only has it made our marriage stronger, but we are showing our kids what it means to grow up loving Jesus!
He is such a humble man. If any of you personally know him, he doesn’t even have to tell you he is a man of God, it is written all over his face.
I am not saying OUR church is the ONLY good church. I am not saying ALL other churches are boring. I am simply saying, we found a church that drew us closer to God. One that is not only making us Christians….but making us followers of Jesus.
I pray that everyone has what we have. Because without Him, we are nothing.
Thank you Jesus for leading me to you.
“Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? We were therefore buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. If we have been united with Him like this in His death, we will certainly also be united with Him in His resurrection” (Romans 6:3-5).
Congratulations to the Rose family! There is truly no better gift / blessing [in my opinion] to give your children than raising them with the Lord in your home, marriage and a part of their lives!
Isn’t it nice to have a savior who loves you more than you can possibly imagine?!? It amazes me every day!
Congratulations to you and your husband 🙂
Scared but WILLING…. Love it! Definitely takes some stepping out of your comfort zone, but so worth it. I’ll never be the same! Congratulations! So happy for you and Jeff.
Congratulations 🙂 I love that you did it together!
Tears just welled up in my eyes! So happy for you guys and what God’s doing in your lives. 🙂
Congratulations! Beautiful post. What a wonderful experience to have your husband doing it with you.
Congratulations!!! I am so proud of the two of you!! God is seriously doing some AMAZING things in your marriage & your family! It has been so awesome to witness!! Love you both!!
Congrats to both of you! Praise God with all your hearts!
I love this post! SO inspiring! Congratulations to you both!
That is awesome girl! I am so happy for you guys! We are in the same boat, joined a new church a year and 1/2 ago and we love it, but haven’t been brave enough to get baptised yet! God is so amazing!
I just wanted to say huge big hugs and congrats to you and your husband! What an awesome testimony!!!
I have been reading your blog for quite some time, but I have never commented before. I think your blog is hilarious and I love seeing pictures of your sweet kiddos. This post did make me tear up a little. I think it is beyond AWESOME that you chose to make a statement of faith that will reach so many. Thank you for sharing your experience!
Congratulations. What a wonderful example y’all are for the boys. This is the BEST gift you can ever give them!! Wonderful post!! XOXO
This is so amazing 🙂 So happy you got the chance to experience this with your husband! Very special.
Congrats, that is awesome! So glad you & your husband could share this experience together. I live in a small town & all of our churches are very old school (not said in disprespectful manner) but I really don’t feel like I fit in well anywhere. I know that isn’t an excuse for not going but it really does make a difference.
This is so cool! Congratulations! I love hearing people’s stories and seeing how God has moved in their lives. I grew up in church and was fortunate to find a good one at a very young age. Bob and I met through our church. But it wasn’t until I was a little older (in high school) that I really started living for God.
Anyway, so glad you got baptized. It’s a big deal to do it even though it was a little scary. Good for you!
this is such an awesome post. what an awesome blessing to get to be baptized w/ your spouse! so very cool. and i agree when you find a great church that encourages your realtionship with Christ there’s nothing better. 🙂 I’ve loved finding your blog.