I posted this picture last week on twitter and I couldn’t pass up the chance to document it here because REALLY…look at these crazy boys!
And dog.
Oh Klay Klay. Also, referred to as “Cake Cake”, courtesy of Bents.
She is probably just wondering how the heck her life turned in to a circus. She is almost 8 years old so she’s been around WAY before all these wild children.
Notice the gray on her face? I don’t doubt that 90% of that was Bents related.
Luckily she is very tolerant of the wild behavior around here.
And I do mean, the behavior is WILD.
Although I am absolutely whole heartedly one hundred percent enjoying this weather like it’s nobody’s business…I will say that it is making my children act in ways I have never witnessed.
The energy.
The fighting.
The constant bouncing off the walls.
In fact, one of my closest friends has just nicknamed my middle child…“Bam Bam”.
No joke.
I guess after being cooped up inside all winter long…they are just trying to get out the bottled up energy?
Not so sure I will be able to keep up with the pace these boys are running all summer so I am hoping they slow down once the “newness” of the nice weather wears off.
Because I promise you…THIS…
…is not a good look on me.
I can already see the wrinkles setting in on my forehead.
Speaking of age. Don’t ever ask your 4 year old how old you look (unless your looking to feel really terrible about yourself).
The conversation went a little something like this:
Me: Hey P, how old do you think mommy looks?
P: Ummmmm. I think I would guess 60.
Me: Really? You think I look 60?
P: Either 60 or 99 and I chose 60 because people who are 99 are REALLY old with fat cheeks. You don’t have fat cheeks so maybe your just 60.
Self esteem just dropped about 80 points. Especially when I said “I’m only 31!” and he responded with “Your still old mom.”
And then he preceded to start wrestling his brother and I thought to myself “Maybe I should explain to him that THIS behavior is what makes me look sixty?” But I figured arguing over aging with a 4 year old would be kinda like talking to the wall.
So I’m curious, is this wonderful weather making your kids act abnormally funky? Or am I alone on that ship? Please tell me your gray hair is coming in just as fast as mine?
Girl…this weather is making my kids nutso. And even though I love it, all they want to do is be outside and I am cool with that for 50-60% of the day, but then I need to get some stuff done and trying to drag them back in the house is ALWAYS a meltdown, especially with Blakester. THat’s why the vlog didn’t happen yesterday (or today). But don’t worry…I still linked to you and posted about what I was thankful for this week. I promise to Vlog next week. Love ya girl! Have a nice weekend with the boys!
Mandy I am soo sorry for laughing at P’s comment but kids seriously say the damnedest things!! This weather is driving everyone batty I think!! Thankfully those boys of yours are so stinkin cute that I’m sure they are forgiven for their sillies 🙂 xo
Mandy, you look great. I would’ve guessed you were maybe 25! Apparently those boys are keeping you young, not making you look older. Now I have to go get my hair done or something because I’m 33, but I look waaaayyyyy older than you. What’s your secret?