Over the weekend we had our friends, The Luna’s, from STL come and visit! We had SUCH a great time with them!
We went to Quatros (a local FABULOUS pizza joint) and then just hung out at the house. Claire and P Man did a fine job of keeping us entertained.
Claire could not be any cuter.
For real.
P couldn’t get enough of her.
Or her baby doll. Which was actually ok because she was obsessed with CG. There is something about that CG.
The parents may have consumed a few too many of these…
Just sayin’.
So much in fact that we thought we were comedians. No really. We were cracking ourselves up.
And because we were so funny…I had to bust out a pencil and piece of paper to take notes. I knew in the morning, after my 2 daquiris (yes I am light weight), that I would never remember the funny stuff we talked about.
I decided that I would make a TOP 10 list. You know. The 10 funniest things that were said while drinking these mighty yummy daquiris.
Except if I listed all 10 of them…you would only get half of them. Some of them are the “you had to be there” kind of stuff. So, instead of boring you with what I think is quite possibly the funniest stuff ever, I will only list the ones that don’t require me to explain too much.
Some stuff is better left unsaid. (Brown towel…ahem).
1. Me: “Hey Amy, you watch the kids. I’ll get the vodka.”
Seems EXTREMELY safe. I should win MOM OF THE YEAR for that comment.
2. We were reminiscing of our old college days. Dan says “We could just do what I did when we had parties in college. Tie a flashlight to the fan and turn on the fan. Instant disco party.”
Good idea, except we would have to get the ladder out to reach the fan. Not a good idea to play with ladders while your drinking.
3. Me: (at Quatros after J took P to go poopy) “Did you make him touch his toes?”
Yes, I ask my child to touch his toes so I can wipe his butt. It works people. There’s proof. J didn’t ask him and guess what…when we got home…his butt was not clean.
4. We thought about playing Catch Phrase…until Dan says, “Catch Phrase is probably not a good idea. Amy and I have a bad history with that game. Last time we played that it ended with me smashing a beer can in her hair.”
Hmmmm. Really, Dan? Really? Did you really smash a beer can in your wife’s hair? If so, don’t ever admit that again!
5. Somehow we found a pair of these…
…and before Dan asked if they had keys to unlock them…he restrained my child. “How are we gonna explain this one to the fire department when they have to come pry these off my 2 year old?
4 dults, 2 kids, a baby, handcuffs, and a blender full of daquiris…DCFS will be knocking down my door. Awesome.
6. A little background on this comment…Dan is from Brazil. We often tease him when he mixes up words or confuses stuff. The conversation went a little something like this…
As J is taking P to bed I say, “WAIT, he can’t go to bed…he has on underwear!”…Dan says, “Why? Does he not wear underwear to bed? Does he sleep combo?”
Ummm…you mean COMMANDO Dan? Yea, just because you are from another country does not mean you can confuse commando with combo. Have another.
I could go on and on with funny stuff that was said. Some of it wouldn’t be appropriate for my family blog so we’ll just leave it at the top 6!
Thanks for a great weekend guys! Can’t wait to visit you in STL!
LOL! I am cracking up here at my desk!
What a great weekend! Miss you guys!
seriously funny stuff…amy and dan are a hoot and yes Claire is the cutest, FOR REAL! Your boys are too Mandy, glad you all had fun.
This is funny. I always enjoy hanging with the Luna’s. I can’t wait to see Claire in July, she is SO big now!!
.-= Heather´s last blog ..Busy…busy week! =-.
Funny stuff! 🙂
.-= Chelsi´s last blog ..Wishful Wednesday =-.
That was a fun weekend!!!! Although somehow I feel that this post featured a lot more “Dan” stories than others….what about Amy brewing coffee all over the kitchen counter????? And Jeff’s never ending search for “loving!!!!!”???????? Good times….
If I ever do a parenting book that photo HAS to be on the cover!
ROTFLMAO It sounds like how we get when we are drinking with out neighbors. We come up with some classic comments. 🙂
.-= Sherrie´s last blog ..My stressful crazy life =-.