I can not even begin to express to you how excited I am to say that…WE FOUND BELLA!
Kristin printed flyers. We gathered up a few girls from work. And we headed out in to the neighborhood.
First we searched the wooded areas where she normally likes to venture to. No luck.
Then we decided to hit up house after house to pass out flyers and to ask neighbors if they had seen Bella.
Every house was the same. No sign of Bella.
Until we came to one of the last houses. We were told that he had seen Bella not too far from his house underneath a small bridge walkway.
It had been 2 days since he had seen her there so we tried not to get our hopes up. But, not gonna lie, the four of us sprinted to the bridge that he was talking about.
As we got closer, we thought we saw a log under the bridge, but once we yelled out her name….we saw movement and we knew it was her!!!!!
She was a little banged up and bruised…but VERY happy to see her mommy!
Isn’t this the sweetest moment ever?
Kristin immediately took her to the doggy ER to get her checked out. We thought she may have had two broken legs, but once the vet checked her over he didn’t think she had any broken bones!
She is going to be just fine!! Praise God for such a happy ending!
And let’s hope Bella realizes that roaming the streets for 3 days is not as cool as it seems. 🙂
Happy ending. I’m so glad! Dad
Oh thank goodness she was found. I never like hearing that dogs go missing. I’m sure she was a wreck!!!
yay….so glad you guys found the dog! I would be devestated if I ever lost my dogs.
I’m so happy you found her and she is home safe!