It’s been quite a Saturday here at House of Rose. We’ve been to urgent care. Had one 2 year old decide he wants to wear ONLY underwear. And we have a sitter-upper friends.
All 3 pretty big happenings if I do say so myself.
Let’s start with P:
Our Poor P Man – besides being mauled by his brother…
…hasn’t been feeling well since Tuesday.
This is the 5th time he’s been sick in the last two months. This time has been different though. He’s been crying out in pain at night because his belly hurts. He hasn’t eaten a single thing in 5 days and has lost a lot of weight.
On Wednesday we went to see the doctor and he tested negative for Strep. So, they sent us home saying it must be the “flu bug“. Do you guys know how ABSOLUTELY tired of hearing “flu bug” I am at this point???
But, after his shrieking-in-pain screams last night and foaming at the mouth in his sleep I wanted him checked out again this morning. Unfortunately, Prompt Care didn’t find anything wrong with him. They even checked his urine. The P.A. said she would have done blood work, but doesn’t have that capability on Saturday’s so it looks like we will be back to our Pediatrician on Monday for blood work.
I’m not taking “nothing’s wrong with him” for an answer. I know my child and I know he is not being himself. Do you guys ever feel like you have to be an advocate for your child’s health? I usually just take the doctor’s answer and happily go on my way. But, this time…I’m not doing it. I am demanding answers. Call me “that” mom. I don’t care. I want to know what’s wrong with my baby boy. And if it turns up to be nothing like they say…then, sure, I may feel silly…but at least we will not have to worry anymore.
Now on to Mr. Bents:
I think this child may be the death of me. No lie. We have entered terrible-2’s and to say it’s terrible…doesn’t even come close. He started climbing out of his crib this week. As in…you put him in…he immediately escapes. We decided it was big boy bed time (EEEEK!). I SOOOOOOOO DID NOT WANT TO GO THERE.
He also is absolutely against wearing a diaper. Or pants. Or a shirt. In fact, he wants to be naked…100% of the time. The minute I would put him to bed he would take his clothes off AND his diaper. About 9 out of 10 times he would have poop. Yea, then he would smear it EVERYWHERE. Last week I was doing his sheets about twice a day.
And when we went “big boy bed style” he didn’t poop in the crib…just on the carpet. Awesome.
Thank you to all of you that suggested the footed pajamas backwards with the feet cut out. It’s the ONLY way I can keep his clothes (and diaper) on him.
We have now switched him to undies for the day time and so far he’s been peeing and pooing in the potty! Woot Woot!
Little SJ:
Is finally sitting up without help!
Happy Saturday!
I know how frustrating it is when you know your child is sick and they can’t tell you what’s wrong! How frustrating it has to be for you!
Have they felt on his abdomen? Is it possible he might have a hernia? Does he have any mucus draining? Liam has the past few days and thrown up even. Now I think he might have a sinus infection b.c they are visibly swollen. I hope he feels better.
Yeah for Bents going in the potty! Maybe he just wants to be a big boy like P!
GO SJ on sitting up!
I hope you get some answers today on why your sweet P Man is feeling so awful? Poor guy!! And you go, momma bear… it’s so frustrating when doctor’s / nurses don’t listen to what you’re saying. You KNOW when something is “off” and it’s not just a normal cold/flu/etc. Keep us posted, please!
Bents – oh my stars. I’m laughing yet terrified. Really. I actually copied this sentence to blog about this week… because if you read it, it totally sounds like a joke. Like why would you ever need to do that?! Or at least that’s what I’d have thought before becoming a mom!!!
“Thank you to all of you that suggested the footed pajamas backwards with the feet cut out. It’s the ONLY way I can keep his clothes (and diaper) on him.”
WAY TO GO, SJ!!!!! They’re growing too fast, aren’t they? J is rocking back and forth on all 4’s and I’m afraid he’s going to be crawling any day. I secretly don’t want him to. In fact, if I could freeze time and keep him a 7 month old chunky boy who smiles ALLLLLL day long, I would. No really.
Sending hugs your way! I hope you get P Man to the doctor this morning and get some answers!
Mandy! Girl! You poor thing :(.
I have seen your tweets about poor P, but I couldn’t say what I am about to say in just 140 characters :).
When they check his blood, PLEASE have them check for mono! I know it sounds so crazy, but two of my sons have had it – both when they were just 5 years old. They were extremely sick for a while – BUT the good news is, after a lot of rest, etc., they recover nicely and can never, ever get it again. It sounds crazy that little guys can get mono, but I have been there, done that! (Maybe the constant sickness and tender tummy are from mono, who knows????)
No matter what, you are the BEST mama, and I wish you and those sweet boys good health in the very near future!!!!
Thinking of you all!!!! Hope this week is much better.
Uh, yes, I would be demanding a better answer than a flu-bug after 5 days of not eating, losing weight, and not being able to sleep because of stomach pain. I read somewhere that pediatricians spend 95% of their time reassuring anxious moms that nothing is wrong, and everything is normal. It sounds like this is one of those times where they are going to have to dig a bit deeper into their bag of tricks. Hope you got some answers today and that the #1 son is feeling much better. I’ll be thinking of you.
I hope that P is already okay by this time. It really pains a parent to see his child in pain which the doctors cannot immediately diagnose; I’ve been there so I understand your predicament.