If you are new here and are interested in joining us for Stop & Smell the Roses vlog link up check out my vlogging page for full details.
I love love love that we are doing this link up once a month. Not because it means less videos, but because it makes me look forward to it THAT much more.
I always feel encouraged when I watch y’all talk about the things that have been making you smile. And let’s be honest…in a world of negativity and hate…doesn’t it just feel good to be positive! Phew.
Enough typing.
Onward…to video watching…
Video Comments:
- The more I get use to my new design, the more I just love it. I know it’s personal preference and you can’t please everyone…but HUGE thank you to the readers who have given me positive feedback and constructive criticism.
- When your husband tells people “we are hosting college girls at our house”…people tend to think he’s trying to be some type of nasty old man. Not the case. And I can honestly say, these girls were the biggest blessing to have in our home.
{watch out for the boy photo bomber}
- Speaking of photo bomber…my dog totally video bombs me on more than one occasion in this vlog.
- Our church conference rocked my socks off…more posts on that to come.
- Dollars and Roses income report is live {in case you are a blog dorky like me and get nosey about how people make money blogging}. This month wasn’t as good as previous months, but you can’t win ’em all, right? Plus, we’ve been pretty blessed in the first half of 2013 already so no complaining here!
Hope you’re having a wonderful summer!
We vlog the FIRST Wednesday of every month and we would love to have you join us!
Video is such a great way to connect with other bloggers so if you are looking to grow your blog? Get your booty behind the camera and film a short video. No one here will laugh. Pinky promise.

A few things before we get started:
1. Film a short vlog {2 minutes is ideal} talking about something that you are thankful for or anything that is making you smile {could even be a product your loving}. 2. Link up your vlog to the Stop & Smell the Roses vlog link up 3. Please include a text link back to this post {I’ll have a new button you can grab soon}. 4. Party hop! Visit the other vlogs and leave some comment love!Can’t wait to see y’all!
Click “continue” to add your vlog or to view the vlogs that have linked up!
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I love the new design Mandy!! Looks great and a good, modern, chic, rosy feel! 🙂 Have a great day!
Thank you Angela!! 🙂
I loooove your new design! It’s fabulous! But um…I linked up my vlog and for whatever reason, it’s not showing up. :-/
Oh, and my dog photo/video bombs me all the time but not as much as the girl child…she is notorious for making me have to start my vlogs over again for that very reason. Haha!
Love ya! xoxo – Nancy
I love the new design! It is so perky and clean!
I remember filming a SASTR link up last year and Neyland was sitting on the couch with me. Out of nowhere he suddenly rolled over and kicked me in the stomach. Whoops!
To follow up with Nancy above me here – I tried to link up this morning as well and it didn’t work so I came back and did it later.
The new design is awesome! I love it! I may have cheered when you said the girls you hosted were from Purdue. Our nephew is a student there too!
I love, love, love the new site. Congrats!
And I just love your warm heart that you hosted the college girls at your house. You are so sweet.
You are too cute! How fun that the boys got to experience having 5 “big sisters” for a few days. Isn’t it funny how God knows exactly what we need even before we do?! I am too big of a chicken to try VLogging yet…maybe I’ll get brave someday and link up. 😉 Hope you’re having a wonderful week, Miss Mandy! Happy 4th!
~Abby =)