We recently had to move our make shift mini studio from the basement to the master bedroom upstairs because the basement is in the process of being finished.
Can I get a “woo-hoo” for the basement getting finished! Finally a place for our guests to sleep. I may need a big “boo-hoo” for the mini studio that took over my bedroom though. Now I have to keep the kids our of our bedroom in fear that they may demolish the light kit. And…clutter drives me nutso. I keep telling myself, “It’s only temporary.”
I know I’m constantly talking about how I’m the producer, camera man lady, and editor for my husband’s videos, but this past week…the tables turned and I had a chance to be on the other side of the camera.
It was quite nerve racking.
Not shooting the video. I feel like I’m getting more comfortable shooting the videos ever since Stop & Smell the Roses. But shooting the video in front of the hubs…that’s a whole new story.
I like to be 100% alone, where no one can hear me {not even the dog}, when I’m filming my videos. Something about having an audience makes me frightened. Even if it is just the husband. I’d be a terrible news anchor.
He is opposite. He doesn’t care who is watching. I truly wish I had more of that in me.
He thought I should do a video with the “white background look” {which we just finally figured out last month}. I tried to make him leave, but he insisted on helping me. I’m pretty sure it took me nearly 80 takes just to come up with this {a vlog for my “vlogging” page}:
My very first video with the white background. If you want to do your own white background look check out our tutorial. It’s actually much easier than you would think.
I’ve also been working on adding a Busy Mom Blogging Guide to the blog {just went live this morning}.
It seems like the top questions I get from readers are:
1. Can you give me advice on how to start a blog?
2. You’re such a busy mom, how do you keep your house so clean and find the time to blog?
I’m hoping it will be helpful to have some information on how to start a mom blog here on the site!
I guess I’m bringing a little of the Dollars and Roses {a blog started by my husband and I} side over to House of Rose. Haha!
Be sure to check out my new “How Do I Start A Blog” tab in my navigation bar!
Speaking of Dollars and Roses…it was very cool to get mentioned right along with Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income on the monthly income blogger report by Post Runner.
We had our highest month of gross revenue in September, $12, 092.08!
This work from home gig pays way better than my full time job use to.
FYI, if you want some other ideas to make some money from home, check out my hubby’s post on 65 home based business ideas you can do in your yoga pants. You can also see the picture he had me make for Pinterest. 🙂
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You white background vlog looks so professional!! LOVE it!! Congratulations on another record breaking month!! Looks like all of your guys’ hard work is paying off!!
Congratulations on having a great month with your blogs Mandy! You guys are doing so well and I look forward to keeping track of your progress. Keep up the good work. 🙂
Such a great addition to your blog, Mandy! I’ve been blogging since 2008, but I have never been able to get into a good rhythm and often fall off track. 2013 is the year for me to really throw myself into my blogs, so I look forward to all your postings! Congrats on all your success.
I found the “start a blog” section so helpful! I started a blog using Blogger a few years ago, but I know nothing. Really. So, I’m grateful for it. Congrats on your money making business! Rock on!
Awesome! Thanks so much!