From the second that my husband suggested we attend the World Domination Summit I was apprehensive. I remember looking at him and saying….“So, who exactly is dominating the world? Me and you?”
But, before I could say “I like when other people dominate the world and we just sit back and watch” he had bought our tickets.
Apparently World Domination tickets sell out in minutes. Literally. He wanted to make sure that it wasn’t sold out so he went ahead and secured two tickets for us.
Who knew so many people wanted to dominate the world, right?
In my mind I thought “We can’t pull off going to Portland, Oregon for 3 days without kids in the middle of the summer.” I truly figured we would have to end up selling our tickets.
But, to my surprise, the “transfer your ticket” day passed {without me knowing} and it was either figure out a babysitter situation or eat the price of the tickets…which would have been $1,000 lost. Bleck.
I scrambled to make it happen because if you know me, then you know I would never want to lose $1,000. Heck, in Vegas I cap my gambling at $40 so $1,000 loss is about $960 over my limit. And comfort level.
Another thing that tapped in to my nice and cushiony big little comfort level…the airplane we had to take on the first leg of our journey. It was a 9 seater. I could touch the pilot people. Touch him.
As we boarded my husband leaned over and said, “Well you might want to go ahead and check hang gliding off your bucket list since this is the closest you’ll ever come.”
Wow. True story.
The amazing Chris Guillebeau from The Art of Non-Conformity is the founder of WDS. I must say that this man knows how to throw a conference. I’ve been to quite a few different conferences {in all different niches} and this one…takes the cake.
I now see why it sells out in minutes.
The conference is geared toward anyone who is an online entrepreneur. There was an eclectic mix of people there…from songwriters, to bloggers, to authors, to people who have founded non-profits to little ole’ nobody’s like myself. Ahem.
Over 2,800 creative people attended from all over the world.
These crazy WDS attendees even set out on a challenge to break the world record for “World’s Longest Floating Chain”.
Unfortunately this was going on while I was hang gliding flying there and we missed it.
They succeeded in beating out the previous longest float chain ever {which was 542 people long}. I can’t remember exactly how many they beat it by…but it was quite a bit.
These world dominators are serious. Even about float chains.
We got to spend some quality time with some of our favorite finance bloggers {and their wives}. Phil from PT Money and his wife Teresa, Adam from Man vs Debt and his wife Courtney. Adam and Courtney live in Portland so they showed us around the city.
My favorite quote came from Adam when, as Jeff and I were walking down the street arguing about something dumb, he said:
“This sounds like one of your dorky videos.”
If you don’t believe him see for yourself here.
Instead of trying to tell you about how amazing each speaker was {and they all were}, I am going to focus on my favorite.
Maybe it’s because I’m a boy mom and I can totally relate to Superman, but Darren Rowse from ProBlogger gave a fantastic talk and inspired me beyond words.
He shared his blogging journey and said something that I’ll never forget.
“Big things that happened to me started as small things first.”
Sometimes we have this misconception that people who are successful have had some type of luck or insight that we will never have. We often think, “I’ll never be able to do that.”
Ok, truth. I think that every second of every day. In my own mind, I’m never good enough to be “one of them”.
More often than not, people who are successful have all failed at some point during their journey. They have started out small before they became something big.
“If you have just one reader and your blog changes their life, your blog is enough.” -Darren Rowse
I can not even tell you how refreshing it is to realize that you don’t have to be some huge blogger or celebrity to make an impact. If you are impacting just ONE person…you are enough. Your blog is enough.
I posted this quote on my FB fan page from the conference and I got one of the most encouraging responses I have probably ever received.
In that moment, even if it was briefly, I knew I was enough. My blog was enough.
When I attend a conference it’s not as much about what I learn at the conference, but what I do with that knowledge once I leave.
Each and every time I have ever left a conference I have left with big dreams and lots of things on my “to-do” list, but I have never left a conference and took as much action as I did when I left WDS.
The second I got home I began working on my e-book again which had been on the back burner for a few weeks. I made it my goal to write 30 minutes each day. It’s been fun to see what that spark ignited in me because those 30 minutes turned to 3 hours or more a day. At this rate I will have my e-book done WAY sooner than I ever had planned. In fact, it’s practically written…it just needs tweaked.
I couldn’t possibly finish this recap without showing you the dancing that went down at WDS. Like crazy Gangnam style dancing. Unified Gangnam style dancing.
I’ve never seen anything like it. Not even at dance camp in college. It was truly hysterical and a blast all at the same time.
I even got to dance with Barbara {co-founder of Blissdom}. Holla!
Funny side story about meeting Barbara and Alli Worthington. I’ve been to Blissdom two years in a row and have never reached out and met either one of them. I always wanted too, but I guess I was too nervous.
So FINALLY, after over 730 days of putting it off 😉 I introduced myself at WDS. I also got to meet Tsh from Simple Mom. It was, by far, the highlight of my time outside of the conference.
Huge thanks to Chris and his WDS team for taking a dream, making it a reality and inspiring people like me.
Have you been to a blog conference? If so, what was your biggest take away?
Wow!! Looks & sounds like you guys had an amazing time! Maybe one of these days I will have to attend WDS!
I love that quote that you shared! So true, right?! So often people measure the success of their blogs by their subscribers, pageviews, etc, but we need to be looking it more like that! Such a sweet & touching comment you got from your reader! I know that you were encouraged just as much as she was!
Thanks for sharing your trip with us & kudos on all the e-book progress you’ve made!!
Yes, you would have loved it Tonya!! You need to go next year! 🙂
If it counts, I’m reading your blog all the way from South Africa, and I really thoroughly enjoy it. So yes, to me, your blog is enough 🙂 Keep writing and sharing with us. x
Absolutely! Thanks for reading…especially from so far! 🙂
Love this! I have never attended a blog conference but hopefully one day! And I’ve been in a hang glider like that. On our honeymoon in Bora Bora, at night and in a storm. Thank God I’m still alive to tell the story 🙂 Thanks for sharing this recap. I’m trying to get remotivated and make things happen!
Yes, you need to come to Blissdom! Ummm, I’m glad you are still alive after that experience…you so brave. LOL!
Thanks so much for sharing! I’m a new blogger myself, and it can seem like a huge, intimidating world when you first start diving in. This is so helpful and encouraging! I appreciate all of your advice and insight. Keep up the great work.
It can definitely seem intimidating, but keep it up!!! Another quote I loved came from Jon Acuff and it was “Never compare your beginning to someone else’s middle.” So profound, right!
I love this! I’m a new blogger and I find myself getting frustrated occasionally. I have to stop myself and remember that this is a process, that everyone begins where I am beginning. This post was inspiring, so thank you for that!!
It’s hard to remember when all we want are results, but it’s true…it takes time! It will pay off! Keep it up! Can’t wait to check out your blog!
Your blog is amazing…I consider you “one of them”. You have inspired me in so many ways. Especially when it comes to making blogging your career. My ultimate “dream job”.
I have never been to a blog conference but would love to go to one. I’ll keep my eyes open for Blissdom this year. Last year it was only a 4 hour drive from Tulsa but I just couldn’t swing it.
Awww, you are too sweet Jenny! Yes, come to Blissdom!! It’s life changing!
I’ve popped bye numerous times, you and your husband are entertaining and encouraging! Love that quote! I think fear is everyone’s hurdle, that definitely puts things in the right perspective!
Thanks for commenting Lorie!! Fear is something that I have to block out all the time, but when I do…I feel like I can do anything! It’s amazing how a simple mindset change can make such a difference.
So glad you came to WDS and had such a worthwhile time. It was certainly a great few days!!!
I was so apprehensive at first, but to be surrounded by such amazing online entrepreneurs (like YOU) was more than inspiring…it was life changing! Keep changing lives Darren Rowse…even boy moms like me think you’re pretty awesome. 😉
Love this – I am going to a conference where Darren is speaking in September – can’t wait!
You will leave so inspired! He’s amazing!
Great recap, I love that you include a lot of pictures.
I’m a big fan of Darren and Chris, I wish I lived in the US. I’ve never attended a blog conference but would love to.
Thanks!! Yes, Darren & Chris are super inspiring! If you can ever get to an event to listen to them…DO IT!
I second that- I consider you “one of those”! Not just because of how “successful” you are at blogging, but because of the avenues that you are able to share your life… your home, your family, your faith, and inspiring others.
I want to thank you and Jeff for being genuine in sharing how you built your blogs. For so long I kept telling my husband “It’s like this best kept secret that no blogger will talk about.. I just want to know what I can do to be better!” Thanks for being open to helping others who don’t have as much background knowledge about this stuff.
I’m glad you had such a great experience at the conference!
I know, right…I’m always like why is blogging success such a secret! GAHHH! LOL! So glad you have found the transparency helpful! Thanks for reading!
“Big things that happened to me started as small things first.” Love this! I love reading your blog Mandy, I feel like I know you haha I enjoy seeing your decorating skills, family and your faith journey. I’m just a 20 something single teacher on my faith journey but I love reading your blog especially when you talk about your faith. Thanks for sharing with all your readers! 🙂 oh & I heart your style btw
Aww, thank you Kelsey! That is so encouraging! Heart you back!
Thanks for sharing Mandy! I have been following you for awhile (I even go to Vine Church) and took the plunge to start a blog, thanks to your tips on ‘how to start a mom blog’. I don’t have any followers (yet), but that’s not why I started my blog. Your post have been very helpful and encouraging. Keep at it and YOU are someone special!
That’s awesome Katie!! Congrats on getting started! What service do you go to? We are usually at 9am! If you see me say hello!! Would love to meet you!
“If you have just one reader and your blog changes their life, your blog is enough.”
That is truly the most encouraging thing I’ve heard since I started by blog. Thank you for sharing.
I found your blog a few months ago through Pinterest and have been following it ever since! I agree with all of the above commenters, your blog is definitely reaching people and it is enough. As a 21 year old college student living on my own, I can relate a lot to your decor and overall lifestyle posts, but your posts about your husband and kids are my favorite. Though I cannot relate to them at this point in life, I definitely look up to your family as a great inspiration for what I want my marriage and family to be, filled with so much faith and love! Thank you for sharing bits of your life with us, I truly enjoy it.