It’s pretty clear that I am an “oversharer” in almost all things. It’s just who I am.
Some people may hate that about me and others may like it. Regardless of what side of the fence you sit on… I will always be a TMI kind of gal. No sorry there. Ha!
Sooooo, this whole “You can’t share your daughter’s picture yet…” is truly killing me. Don’t get me wrong, I understand it completely, but it’s so hard not to show you her sweet face. Especially because, y’all, she is amazing.
I have wanted to scream her name from the top of the mountain since February 17!!
With a megaphone! While jumping up and down!
But alas, I cannot.
I am still trying to find out what parts of her name I can share because I think I will be able to share her first and middle name soon. But the picture will still have to wait.
What I can tell you?
Our daughter is currently 15.5 months old and she is the cutest darn thing I have ever laid my eyes on. Truly.
There is cute. And then there is HER.
She has dark hair that is put up in two little pigtails in most of the pictures, petite features and big brown eyes (just like all my boys). She totally looks like she is part of our family. It’s craziness!
They sent us TWENTY pictures of her. YES, TWENTY!!! Which is rare. Usually the orphanage will send 1 or 2.
God must have secretly told them I like photos. He’s in the details people.
We were able to send her our family photo book within a day or so of getting the referral because I had JUST created it. Odd, right? I literally just ordered it online and received it 2 days before our trip to Cabo so it was ready to go.
We got word this week that they received it. So hopefully, she has already met us via photo book and the thought of that makes me all giddy inside.
Her name – is mind blowing. Like literally, God could not have been more clear when telling us that she was made for us. Y’all will flip when you hear the details behind her name. And if you don’t believe in God before hearing the story… you will after. That is all.
One of the reasons we can’t share it yet is because we are keeping her name. It was given to her by her birth mom and trust me, when you hear it, you will know why we would never change it.
So many of you have, including our kids, have asked the big question of…
We don’t have an exact date, but I can tell you what we have been told (and I was prepared for this as I have known this was the process since we started).
It typically takes about 4-5 months for all of the legal stuff to be done. I won’t get into the details of that because it will bore you, but as you can imagine, there are lots of legal documents that have to be filed and signed and yada-yada-yada.
So no, we do not get to go pick her up tomorrow, but we are hoping that by June or July we will be traveling to the Philippines to bring her home.
Of course, some families have traveled sooner and some have waited longer. There really is no rhyme or reason as to why… it’s just sometimes a slow process with lots of factors that are involved.
What we do know, is that God has made it abundantly clear that she was meant for us and so we trust Him in His timing of travel as well.
I hope and pray that it’s soon… but I have faith that His timing will be perfection. As usual.
Thank you all for sharing in our excitement! It has meant the world to us to have you praying for us during this process (and I know I say that a lot, but I mean it).
I can not wait to show you the face that you have been praying for for so long.
Oh Mandy I am so incredibly happy for you! That video you made of telling the boys was too cute and I love hearing the updates. Also I’m so glad you are getting the daughter you wanted! She is one lucky girl to have 3 big brothers that will always look after her! Much love and prayers to you and the family!
Thank you so much! We can’t wait to have her home!
I’m so happy for your family! You were truly meant to have this child, you just had to wait for her to come in your lives! Everything happens for a reason and you are paving you and your family into having a wonderful life!!
We LOVE your TMI issues 🙂 LOL Soooo excited for your family. Thank you so much for allowing us a window to peek into this special time. Hanging on every update you post…
Haha I’m glad someone doesn’t mind the TMI!
I am so excited for you all. I can’t wait until you get to bring her home. 🙂
as one who tends to overshare as well, I think thats why I was drawn to you as soon as I found your blog. As crazy as it sounds, I feel like maybe my name is one you recognize in all the 1000s of names you see on a daily basis. i’m probably thinking we’re more friends that reality but i’m ok with that! 😉 I genuinely care about you guys and this whole process and i’m super excited to “meet” this perfect little lady that is going to turn that house upside down!!!! I think i’m most excited for SJ, i think its assumed he will struggle with the transition but I have a gut feeling that he will take to it so very easily and he’ll enjoy being the big brother now. Now tell them to hurry up already!!!! lol
Aww thank you so much! You are too sweet!
So excited for you all! I know how long you have been waiting!!
I’m totally thrilled for you and can see God is in this! It must be a very complicated process to go through adoption and I’m even more amazed that you’re getting a infant/toddler child because than in itself is difficult to attain. I’ll be waiting anxiously to hear what her name is and I’m already trying to figure out what it could be because I’m Filipino.
this is amazing! Congrats! You’re heart is so BIG and open and I admire that 🙂
Oh I’m soooooooo excited for you all 🙂 Hugs and I’ve been following your blog for a long while and know this is beyond HUGE !!!!
I’m so happy for you and your family. It’s crazy how things turn out and fit just the way they should! Again, it has happened for your family with timing and her name by the sounds of it! You are truly blessed! Hopefully the legal process will go quickly – or at least smoothly.
Thank you so much Erin, fingers cross the process goes quickly!
What an awesome, awesome thing, Mandy.
I CANNOT wait to hear her name. And you’re absolutely right – God is most certainly in the details. He loves to lavish on His kids sweet + perfect gifts.
Waiting and knowing that God’s timing is perfect for when we bring our “little J” home from Haiti, too (no name sharing for us, either). 🙂
Bubbling with joy for you all.
Thank you Laura! As soon as I can share all the info on her name, I will! Thanks for all the sweet words and prayers for use through this process!
I’m so excited that even if we can’t see pictures of her that your family have so many! I bet you even have an awesome way to display them in your house 😉 Glad to hear that things are still chugging along slowly but surely!
So happy and thrilled for this joyful news! Your daughter is about the same age as my granddaughter who was born on Nov. 13th. I can hardly wait to meet her on your blog! Congratulations!!