If you are reading this post…I am sure you have noticed I have had ANOTHER blog makeover. Yes, one of my negative qualities…I am INDECISIVE clearly trying to make my blog the best it can. I like to think I have “some” positive qualities…but I definitely have my share of negative ones as well. Then again, don’t we all?
Ever since I switched to my new domain and the wordpress template, I was not digging the way my page looked. So….what’s a girl to do? That’s right…call up her lovely creative best friend to help me bring to life a new look. This is what came of it! So, WHAT DO YOU THINK?
Better? Worse? Equally as cute?
It is definitely a little more me! Don’t worry, if you are one of my readers and you aren’t really digging it….give it time…I am sure I will change my mind again soon! haha!
I happen to think it is fabulous but, I wouldn’t expect anything else from Nina! She knows me like no one else. We have a little agreement where we trade services…..hubby helps her with the backend wordpress stuff, coding, and plug ins….and she returns the favor by creating his business postcards, brochures, holiday photo cards, and my blog headers. See, isn’t it nice how that works out?
A big thanks to hubby too for installing the new header and new colors! It is still a work-in-progress at this point so don’t be surprised if you keep seeing changes in the next day or so. I would love to know your thoughts?
We had a great weekend and have lots to post about in the upcoming days so stay tuned! I have tons of pictures to share.
Lauren says
I love the new look! I think the colors look great too!
Lauren’s last blog post..Charleston!
Roo says
i think it looks great!!!
Roo’s last blog post..Life Update
Caroline says
LOVE it!!! This is my favorite one!
Caroline’s last blog post..Your Questions; My Answers Part II
Jenny says
I love the new header and the pink 🙂 Super cute!
Jenny’s last blog post..Blog Makeover!
LovesPINKandPEARLS says
so totally cute! this is definitely my favorite!
Katie Parrish says
I think the new look is too cute! You should keep it!
Jen says
I LOVE the new blog design!!! I mean L.O.V.E. it!!! And don’t feel bad for changing it. Now that I have learned a little more about making headers for blogger, I am in the process of making a new one for my blog too. Ha ha! This is very cute…nice work! (you too Nina 🙂
Jen’s last blog post..Birthday Party Recap
NCF says
I think is looks very cute!! good job!!
NCF’s last blog post..The Great and The Ca-razy
Hollie says
I love it. And I agree with you, for some reason I like this one better.
Definitley keep it! Love the colors in the lettering!
Hollie’s last blog post..Something’s Fishy
Kimberli says
I think it’s adorable! 🙂
Kimberli’s last blog post..
Jen says
Love this one! Keep it as long as you can.
Nina says
I am loving it as well… if I might say so myself 😉 Had a great time tonight, thanks for having me over (all the time)!! I’m actually laughing to myself as I remember all of the funny things P was doing tonight and your responses. You seriously make me CUOL! Haven’t used that one in a while… thought it was time to bust it out. xoxo
Nina’s last blog post..High Expectations… Good or Bad?
Lynsey says
I think it looks great! It’s a keeper!
Lynsey’s last blog post..Inspiration Board
Shorty says
I love the new look! I must admit I thought the previous one looked a little too much like Nina’s… I think these colors are great and the header is too cute! I know what you mean about changing your look…don’t feel bad. I changed mine I don’t know how many times until I found the look I have now. Now I love staring at my blog. Hope you love yours just as much!
Amy says
Love it!
Brown Eyed Girl and her Beau says
Cute cute!! The colors are perfect for Spring and I love the header!
Brown Eyed Girl and her Beau’s last blog post..Dear Builder,
Emily says
I love it! The colors are so adorable 🙂 Nina did a fabulous job!!
Nina says
I’m loving it as well… if I might say so myself 😉 I figured it out… the last header looked a little like the old nina knows best header. I wasn’t getting it… hah! So glad to read that everyone loves it… and most importantly that you love it!! xoxo
Nina’s last blog post..Dress Rehearsal
Nina says
Crap, I just realized that I commented last night. Oh well… xoxo
Nina’s last blog post..Dress Rehearsal
Miss Monogram says
I like the new look! I think it’s fabulous 🙂
Miss Monogram’s last blog post..My Spring Forward Weekend
darci says
L.O.V.E. IT!
I actually have a little blog envy right now – I like mine a lot, but I think I’m ready for a change………maybe a little less animated? And that’s a nice little agreement you have with Nina! Paying for blog makeovers is costly.
Love your new look and I’m just the same way – I can’t stop with anything until it is “just so”.
darci’s last blog post..The register can’t hear you either.