I feel like this week is slipping by me and I have so many things that I haven’t had the chance to share. For one…there is a certain little someone that I want to introduce you to!
One of my very close friends had her baby the day before we left for Denver {close call, huh}?
When I found out that FINCON was September 6th I almost died. September 6th was the exact due date of my best friends baby. If it were ANY other person on the planet besides my friend Kelly, I would have said no big deal because who really delivers on their due date anyway?
Ummm, Kelly has ONLY ever delivered on her due date with her two previous babies.
I was a hot mess the week prior to leaving for Denver. I was so extremely worried that she wasn’t going to have Baylor until I was gone. But luckily Baylor must have known how much I was dying to meet her and she decided to make her appearance with almost exactly 24 hours before my flight left.
I got to snuggle her for quite a while before I had to head out to Denver. Thank you Jesus.
They kept her name a secret until she arrived. Isn’t Baylor the cutest name EVER? AHHH, I love it!
{Picture – Baylor and her biggest brother Logan.}
Both Kelly and I are boy moms…so the whole girl thing is new to her {and me}! But Baylor could not be more PERFECT. Almost too perfect. So perfect that I started thinking, “Ohhhhh, I want another baby.”
My husband was tweeting this as I was at the hospital visiting her:
“@houseofrose don’t get any crazy ideas after seeing that new baby! #fullhouse”
Who wants to tell him that I may have seriously considered a fifth child in the 60 minutes I was in the hospital room?
He would shoot me. And then tell me I need medication. Ha!
Ok, I still have tons of updating to do about FINCON. I promise you that I am working on it. Including a few posts on “What to Wear to a Blogging Conference”. Or heck, what to wear for fall in general.
I have been busy editing and editing and editing TONS of video from the conference. I just finished up the #LifeAWARE video for the Life Foundation.
They ask Jeff to film a follow up video to the Life Insurance Movement and I was worried that it might be kind of boring…but it has turned out really fun! I can’t wait to post it!
Plus, I have two projects to share with you on building shelves. I think you will love them because they involve my dad…and his handy skills via video!
Last thing, my neighborhood is having a yard sale this weekend.
I realize that those of you who are not local could care less. 🙂
However, I wanted to throw it out there to the ones who are local just in case you wanted to come check it out! I won’t be posting my address here on the blog so if you would like to email me at mandyjrose{at}gmail{dot}com I would be happy to tell you how to find us.
We will be donating a portion of our proceeds to the Gum Drop Foundation here in town that helps feed children in need.
I have TONS and TONS of boy clothes and lots of other fun stuff!
Awww!!! So sweet. Baby B is pretty cool! ????
I went to a bible study today and the lady next to me had her 5 week old little girl. When she woke up and was taking her bottle the noises she was making made me question having a 3rd or not. I thought for alittle bit that we could do it. But then I quickly stopped myself. We are happy and not planning on anymore, but for a split second (okay maybe 30 minutes) I was considering it! Congrats to your friend. AND as a Texan, I love the name Baylor (Baylor University is an hour North of me in Waco).
It’s so hard, right? I hate when I see babies because I always think…”Oh, I really want a newborn!” That only lasts for about 2 seconds and then I remember how the newborn stage is not my favorite. LOL! There is just something about saying “I’m not having anymore” that makes me so nervous. It’s so final! And then I start feeling old. Hehe!
aww pretty baby girl, and cute name! By any chance, did the parents go to Baylor?
I totally wish I lived by you! I need boy clothes so bad! well winter ones always! they grow so dang fast!