I know y’all are probably wondering if I am ever going to post anything other than marriage stuff. Haha!
I am. I am just slow, because raising a strong willed boy takes up a lot of my mental capacity.
I already have posts ready to go about our master bedroom makeover, our baby girl’s name (yes, I am going to share that soon) and also… her nursery reveal!
Bur for now…. let’s celebrate SJ.
Our little guy’s birthday was Monday (the 16th), but we didn’t have his party until this past Saturday, due to baseball schedules.
Our life story.
He was sooooo excited about turning FIVE! He had been asking for nearly 3 months “Is it my burfday yet?”
So, it was pretty fun when he woke up with a gazillion balloons in his room and realized that it was happening…he was turning five, finally.
But when he woke up the day of his party I said… “IT’S YOUR PARTY DAY!!”
Him: “YAYYYYY!!! I’M SIX!!!”
Me: “No, you’re still five bud. You turned five on Monday. It’s just your actual birthday party today… You don’t turn five and then six days later turn six.”
Him: Cue full on meltdown for 30+ minutes while he screamed “NOOOOO! I VANNA BE SIX!”
There was some birthday party confusion that morning, hey. Luckily, his the two giant bounce houses showed up 3 hours before party time and he forgot all about needing to be six. Crisis diverted.
It’s hard for me to imagine that this little man is already five years old. I still look at him like he’s my baby. I guess that’s what you do when it’s your youngest child (not for long). 🙂
Or wait, maybe my husband acts the youngest in the family?!?!
It’s hard to say.
But one thing is certain… Jeff Rose throws birthday parties so he can join in too. And if you don’t believe me, just ask my neighbors who showed up mid front flip. They were like, “Ummmm, what in the world is he doing?”
I stopped trying to explain him years ago.
I just respond with, “It’s Jeff Rose.”
Perhaps he got it from Poppy (see below)… who decided to take his adult beverage down the slide backwards. His goal was to not spill his beer.
And no, I didn’t throw a five year olds birthday party with adult beverages. Poppy brought his own cooler.
He beats to his own drum folks.
I’m sure it comes to no surprise that my husband also planned the water balloon fight portion of the party. Haha!
He was the target of just about every kid there.
I have never seen 200 water balloons disappear so fast in my life.
A few of SJ’s friends from pre-k came and I was cracking up when I saw him and Lilly on the side of the bounce house fighting like an old married couple.
She wanted his stuffed bird he was holding and ladies and gentlemen, he told her… “Dis is my party and so I play wit da bird. You can hab it tomorrow.”
Like, tomorrow when she’s not over at our house anymore. Ha.
What a little stinker.
He covered his ears for the birthday song. Typical, because he hates loud noises, but I could tell my his grin that he loved all the attention.
I could also tell he was still slightly ticked that his candle said “5” and not “6”. Next year buddy, next year.
This boy has been the most challenging while at the same time bringing me more joy than I ever dreamed of.
It’s so amazing to see how much he has matured in the last few months alone. Year three and four brought some of the most toughest moments of my life, but I wouldn’t trade what I learned for a million dollars.
The compassion I have for non-compliant children and the knowledge I gained about raising a spirited child is invaluable. I was so naive before this sweet boy, just living life with two fairly compliant children. But God knew we needed a dose of reality when he blessed us with SJ.
It’s a pleasure to be his mother. I can’t wait to see what this boy does in life… He can conquer the world.
Looks like you all had fun! I would love for you to do a post on a strong willed child sometime.
Lovely boys!
You and your five years old boy look so happy and you must have great fun birthday party!
I am looking forward to your more posts, Mandy! 🙂